UT original player

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UT original player

Post by biohazardx9 »

Used to play this alot when younger, having realised there is still a great following and this forum, decided to get back into it.

I can use unrealED, very rusty at it, but understand how it works. Hopefully this site will help me get better.
I used to do map mashups, or make a map out of a map. (I'd cut a room and a section out and clone it and make a DM 1v1 or 2v2 for example, or CTF-StalwartFractal)

So now got UT99 with the UT99.org tweak guide applied and everything runs smoothly.
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Re: UT original player

Post by EvilGrins »

Welcome aboard!
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Re: UT original player

Post by papercoffee »

Hey there ...enjoy your stay.
This forum here certainly will make you better at mapping. Visit the Mapping section and read the tutorials thread. :wink:
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Re: UT original player

Post by smeerkat »

biohazardx9 wrote:Used to play this alot when younger, having realised there is still a great following and this forum, decided to get back into it.

I can use unrealED, very rusty at it, but understand how it works. Hopefully this site will help me get better.
I used to do map mashups, or make a map out of a map. (I'd cut a room and a section out and clone it and make a DM 1v1 or 2v2 for example, or CTF-StalwartFractal)
Welcome back! Here are some YouTube tutorials on UnrealEd if you need. ;)
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Re: UT original player

Post by biohazardx9 »

Excellent, will have a dive through and play this weekend.

I remember that myself and a mate had two servers and he had a dedi running UT pure 7G, it pointed to my HTTP server for any mod downloads. Since my upload speed is 12Meg in the UK it performed alright.
I wonder if I could get that running again. I had some different maps in there.

We used to call it UTFoundry.