Reasons I love CTF4

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Reasons I love CTF4

Post by EvilGrins »

To start off with it has different built in modes. One of them, in order to get your flag back after it's dropped, your team have to go get it and bring it back to where it belongs in your base...

...which can make things more challenging.

As with normal CTF, eventually a dropped flag will return to it's base.
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Re: Reasons I love CTF4

Post by EvilGrins »

Another fun aspect of CTF4 is the gametype has mini-types built into it. Such as Elimination.

In Elimination everytime your flag is successfully taken to another base and that team score, you lose a point. If your team get negative whatever the final score is, your team is eliminated from the game...
...and given I edit CTF type maps with UTDMT a lot, that gets interesting.

In that screenshot, as you can see on the right, the Gold Team was eliminated from the game... but as UTDMT are practically their own spawnpoint, "Applesauce" still came back to fight for the fallen honor of the Gold Team.