One of the first times I ever played online (in the first couple years after UT was first released) it was a CTF server running this twisted gametype. Basically, you can set a point-spread along with whatever the final score is and if that spread comes into play, a Titan joins your team:

These Team Titans are not the same as the UTDMT. For one thing, you can give them orders... but regrettably they don't have team colors.
They're about ½ the size of a UTDMT:

Might be possible to alter their size. I've seen them even larger than UTDMT on some servers... long LONG ago.
They're wicked fast and if you get the flag from a team that has these Team Titans on it, they will chase your ass down and kill you to get the flag back.
never had a readme for this so cannot explain differences on HUD

They use default bot voicepacks too: