CTF maps from another forum

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CTF maps from another forum

Post by EvilGrins »

medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins :mrgreen:
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Re: CTF maps from another forum

Post by sektor2111 »

Some paths are borked there... I'm not interested.
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Re: CTF maps from another forum

Post by UnrealGGecko »

I already had that Braveheart map, checked the apple locations and... well... Now I know why sektor isn't interested. :mrgreen:

I might play around in the editor with these a bit more to practice bot-pathing... if I ever get the time and motivation to do that.. :P
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Re: CTF maps from another forum

Post by sektor2111 »

Correction (my bad here for not posting complete info)
I was checking that remake of LavaGiant called WaterGiant or something like this. If LavaGiant was enough good as it was at A.I. play, the remake went turned into a borked thing (I don't dare to test it) - I don't know a good reason for doing this. As a mention, I'm one of those playing CTF with 7-8 Bots (4 vs 4 or 4 vs 5 ) and I'm not interested when Bot goes retarded with no challenge - and this is more than annoying. Each time at some remake announced I'm expecting "IMPROVEMENTS" not a thing worst than original. Conclusion: given said "re-work" at old map - the rest being by the same author I'm automated to not even look at them as long as this configuration exist in a version with suffix "fix" - I gotta admit, I might be too stupid for understanding what means "FIX" when actually is nothing to match my translation for "fix". That's it, I have my english specific issues and probably that's why I cannot figure what does that means "fix".

If such a map is beautiful and doesn't have BSP bugs I might be intended for setting up a different A.I. party - of course, After finishing my started works first...
UnrealGGecko wrote: I might play around in the editor with these a bit more to practice bot-pathing... if I ever get the time and motivation to do that.. :P
Let me see, sometimes fixing a rebel Brush is a lot more time consuming than adding 30 stupid Nodes (not 295), a tiny mention for all of you, that Kaal guy banned everywhere, without any coding knowledge was able to put up some Bot Support better than some contest mappers - also kids are able to put Bot's ass in action. Why ? Because Bot Pathing is a piece of cake in plane fields and simple geometry, and beside this, guaranteed is not causing any physical pain to mapper and everybody can play that map.
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