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Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:57 am
by JackGriffin
Why is tickrate so hard for people to grasp? 100 tick servers? SMH.....

I'll message Heston and see if he will come along and post. He is really good at explaining this.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:43 am
by $carface
I don't understand. How can you think that you can control latency to a server by simply changing numbers on tickrate?

Sounds like an absolute disaster.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:37 pm
by sektor2111
Ping cannot be changed, result shown is different because of pause between ticks. Smaller pause, faster response but real ping will not change. Now let me see (addressing curious admins here), you can bind a key for command "ping" (without using F1 - Scoreboard) for immediate response. Okay then, what F6 says ? Probably 28 ms × some T value - THAT's the ping, not F1 or such.
Game can be badly influenced by an aggressive tick-rate losing data regarding to that ping reported. It's all about Net Connection not everything is based on good ping and no smoother game - and this is what I don't have as I want - another reason for not doing servers and of course I will not rent one, this task is time consuming and an additional work is needed if purpose is a quality server not only a machine started as server.

But anyone thinking at "modern times" with 60+ tickrate will not improve anything in game because we have a limited number of channels and heading to a limited Net Speed - and that limit is just wiping ass with that so called "modern times setup".

Now I understand why servers are different from 2008 - "great setup" is the reason - More borked - related to a high speed which is useless for an old Game Engine which is pretty much optimized for Modems...

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 10:59 pm
by lolo121
Thanks for big explanations about it, you're right. I checked it only in F6 option. Direct ping to server is very low:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=58 time=18.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=58 time=19.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=58 time=17.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=58 time=18.2 ms

Now tickrate for siege server is 20 (should be ok for this gamemode). BT servers got 35 tickrate.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:28 am
by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF}
JackGriffin wrote:Why is tickrate so hard for people to grasp? 100 tick servers? SMH.....

I'll message Heston and see if he will come along and post. He is really good at explaining this.
Honestly my knowledge on tickrates for UT99 are a bit outdated especially since internet speeds are way above the time UT99 came out.

I was always a hardcore keep your server tickrate at 20 but seems Higor and Nelsona share different views on tickrates.
I would honestly take what they both have to say on this subject better than what I have experience in the years of hosting UT99 servers.

Check this thread Higor dropped in on. viewtopic.php?f=33&t=6250

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:15 am
by sektor2111
I did servers at 60 and I don't like how are replicated actors... for MH I stay at 30 (never anymore 20) - let me explain why I always check tick-rate and changing it to 30 as first move when I build a MH server from roots.
When you have facing a Boss with some health with other guy or another 2 guys, if all of you are firing a minigun (any) at monster after falling state, he can be stuck without firing. Okay and ? And if server has 20 tickrate monster develops a ghost push effect like is pushed while is taking damage. I say ghost effect because in fact monster is very very slow moved not that much as client does a bullshit PREDICTION. If you track ghost image you will lose aiming and suddenly monster is shown in old location firing at you instantly - sometimes effects are deadly this way. AT 30 TickRate this ghost effect doesn't happen at all - I really believe that 20 default tickrate is WRONG - at least for MH I don't recommend that. More often you play, more often and annoying you can see this crap ghosting hit momentum effect.

Let's see one of latest options. In a MH2 I have computed with UScript (not that accurate) tickrate and shown on HUD for reliable info about server load. In my machine if I set 40 Tickrate I did not see ever value going to more than 32, maybe algorithm for computing is wrong or hell knows, but I'm not sure if I really have a real game 40 Tickrate (MH2 is a loaded thing after all). Probably another time I'll setup an XC_Core method for detecting tickrate VS RTC (based on what Higor said about timer deal in XC server commandlet. So to speak in theory server can be set to 80 but in reality if machine is not that powerful you might not even touch 40 tickrate and will even discard some executions (I'm not kidding here - I know what I saw in some MH compilations logged...)...

EditAnother results:
When I set 25 tickrate game HUD was showing 21. When I went to 30 I could see 28-30 - more or less closer to reality. So... draw conclusions. At 25 it was pretty much losing 4 ticks, at 30 it was losing max 2 ticks from real value...

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:16 am
by Chamberly
sektor2111 wrote:I did servers at 60 and I don't like how are replicated actors... for MH I stay at 30 (never anymore 20) - let me explain why I always check tick-rate and changing it to 30 as first move when I build a MH server from roots.
When you have facing a Boss with some health with other guy or another 2 guys, if all of you are firing a minigun (any) at monster after falling state, he can be stuck without firing. Okay and ? And if server has 20 tickrate monster develops a ghost push effect like is pushed while is taking damage. I say ghost effect because in fact monster is very very slow moved not that much as client does a bullshit PREDICTION. If you track ghost image you will lose aiming and suddenly monster is shown in old location firing at you instantly - sometimes effects are deadly this way. AT 30 TickRate this ghost effect doesn't happen at all - I really believe that 20 default tickrate is WRONG - at least for MH I don't recommend that. More often you play, more often and annoying you can see this crap ghosting hit momentum effect.
I didn't think changing the TR value would stop the monsters from image dropping? Would be interesting to see if it make a difference in any other server, especially Unimatrix 01. :loool:

Edit: What JG said below is true.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:38 pm
by JackGriffin
Image drop isn't tied to tickrate, it's a relevancy issue.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:42 pm
by sektor2111
I think monster placed right in front of you is pretty much relevant... Not gonna mention my actor for relevance which I'm using for months...
Relevancy or not, I know how is reacting that "takedamage" at 20 tick-rate and at 30 - DIFFERENT because of an often location update received. At 30 tick-rate stuff is being more often updated. I advice you to do these tests by yourself and tell me if I'm wrong here or not - Windows on purpose because UT has been released as a Windows game. Even I have a sample map with such a SkaarjBoss - an old one, MH-Sinister - I can say that even has Bot Support and that's all, here is about a Siege Server so probably there is recommended default 20 tick-rate.

How I think about these: If an actor has received from server some velocity data, until next update client will predict movement - see when red flag occurs actors being moved in a direction. When server will send new info, client will adjust actor based on new data received from server - if this actor update is Too Rare ( and it needs to be fast - fire rate involved ) client will go messy by predicting things a lot, if update is coming in the right time, you'll have a more smoother action or at least improved a bit - and this is a good balance - and for me this is a logic based even on experimenting.

As for a Linux Server probably at a configured 30 TR the real tickrate is around 22-26, as mentioned for 20 is around 15-18 because this is a default LINUX server - and which I never liked :| . So to speak if real tickrate is around 20+, ghost momentum will occur even at 30 because that 30 is a fake value under Linux, ta daa. Aside, as I well recall, Unimatrix uses CentOS - a LINUX so to speak, and Linux will never have Windows timers. One more thing, XCGE can change these rules for benefit of admins if they want to open eyes around...