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New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:58 pm
by lolo121
Hey, few days ago I created a server with gamemode Siege. Main reason for that - uK siege server is located in USA, so the players from Europe have bad ping (for me more than 150ms). On this server players from Europe should have better ping, so the quality of playing also should be better.


- 32 player slots, 16 spectator slots
- Tickrate 100
- ACEv10e
- Location: Poland, Europe
- Anti DDoS - stable ping & no packetloss
- Fast redirect server (bandwith over 35MB/s per IP - tested)


Here also working blocked, passworded maps like CTF-'uK-Simplex][, CTF-'uK-NovemberCE105 etc. Only need to add other missing siege maps and configure mapvote.

About finances - now server is rented for 1 month. If server will needed and popular, I'll need small donations to keep working. Monthly costs isn't big - should be about 3 Euro / 2.5£ / 3.20$ per month.


So check this server, play here and forward it to other if can :tu:

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:43 pm
by Chamberly
Are you using any XC component? Lag compensation?

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:41 pm
by lolo121
Chamberly wrote:Are you using any XC component? Lag compensation?
Now without XC and lag compensation, but I can add it if needed. Im using XC only on BunnyTrack servers - fixing problem with RAM usage on huge maps.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:14 am
by Pileyrei
Looks good!

Re tick rate, is there any issue setting the tick rate at 100?

I think the default is 20 which is way to low but just wondered if your server would have any problems with a high tick rate?
I've set mine to 60 and wondered if changing it to 100 would make any difference to players?

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:13 am
by lolo121
Pileyrei wrote:Looks good!

Re tick rate, is there any issue setting the tick rate at 100?

I think the default is 20 which is way to low but just wondered if your server would have any problems with a high tick rate?
I've set mine to 60 and wondered if changing it to 100 would make any difference to players?
No issues with tickrate 100, my BunnyTrack servers have 120 tickrate and also no problems. Higher value of tickrate improving players ping and player movement, more reliable headshots etc.

With 20 tickrate server ping increasing 100% (for me 100 tickrate - 28ms, 20 tickrate - more than 60ms)


Added missing maps and configured mapvote


Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:10 pm
by sektor2111
Usually as I know so far a default Actor has max. 100 at "NetUpdateFrequency" value, so these 100+ tickrate are just useless admin brain-farts... it's forcing server with no purpose.

A server well polished runs properly at 40. Else, I will never do servers using 20 - play UT and see why, that simple.
Aside, you can use some tickrate test tools and see value for the real tickrate running.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 10:57 pm
by $carface
100 TR is useless and will never be sustained in games on an ongoing rate. Also you can't lower ping by tickrate.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:20 am
by lolo121
sektor2111 wrote:Usually as I know so far a default Actor has max. 100 at "NetUpdateFrequency" value, so these 100+ tickrate are just useless admin brain-farts... it's forcing server with no purpose.

A server well polished runs properly at 40. Else, I will never do servers using 20 - play UT and see why, that simple.
Aside, you can use some tickrate test tools and see value for the real tickrate running.
$carface wrote:100 TR is useless and will never be sustained in games on an ongoing rate. Also you can't lower ping by tickrate.
Thanks for informations, but i have a bit another experiences about it. Tickrate > 100 can be used for example mapvote, where BT server have more than 3k maps and its faster to send maps to each player. I see also difference in ping with compare 100 and 120 tickrate. On 100 tickrate my best ping was 28ms, 120 tickrate 27ms, in night 1 time i got 26ms. But its too small difference and server must do 20% more. Server performance isn't a problem - it can serve more than 32 players with higher tickrate.

I'll check again for best compromize between ping and low tickrate value. Thanks

I uploaded Lag Compensator for server.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:53 am
by |uK|B|aZe//
Lmao good cache rip 10/10 for originality :lol:

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:17 pm
by Pileyrei
Thanks for info.

By the way, how do you change the mapvote colour? The brown border I mean?

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:46 pm
by sektor2111
lolo121 wrote: Tickrate > 100 can be used for example mapvote, where BT server have more than 3k maps and its faster to send maps to each player. I see also difference in ping with compare 100 and 120 tickrate.
So... for a small stupid time (few seconds of voting/loading) you do screw server setup ? What's the problem of loading maps in 8 seconds or 10 seconds ? Player is dying or what ? He needs to give final his blow playing more and more ? I don't get the point...
Pileyrei wrote:By the way, how do you change the mapvote colour? The brown border I mean?
Lol ?
That's UWindow specific things which ANY client can change as it wants NOT as exactly Admin wants for LA types, let's say that on my private property I'm doing what I want not what other wants. It might be interesting to... learn UTMenu.
:ironic: In hoping that this thread won't be turned into a tutorial...
Else you can use double font size making maps lists unreadable or more properly readable by using a bit of space between lines...

Code: Select all

GUIScale=1.000000 //test here
Test value might be 1.1, 1.2 - Earth won't explode if you do your desired setup...

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:19 pm
by Pileyrei
Ah lol!

fair enough. My brain hurts today.
It just looked different :)

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 8:31 pm
by lolo121
sektor2111 wrote:
lolo121 wrote: Tickrate > 100 can be used for example mapvote, where BT server have more than 3k maps and its faster to send maps to each player. I see also difference in ping with compare 100 and 120 tickrate.
So... for a small stupid time (few seconds of voting/loading) you do screw server setup ? What's the problem of loading maps in 8 seconds or 10 seconds ? Player is dying or what ? He needs to give final his blow playing more and more ? I don't get the point...
Yes, you're right, but please, calm down. I compared ping on server with different tickrate

tick 20 - best 68ms
tick 35 - best 48ms
tick 60 - best 36ms
tick 100 - best 28ms
tick 120 (max) - best 26ms

Especially BunnyTrack need low pings for making records, thats why I set high tickrate; no problems with server working / stability.

On Siege server this value can be lower. Now is 100.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 8:46 pm
by Chamberly
Pileyrei wrote:Thanks for info.

By the way, how do you change the mapvote colour? The brown border I mean?
That is set up from your client side of the menu, so instead of using ICE color, there is gold, etc. & maybe more if any of them are out there to download. I should make myself a green one.

Re: New Siege server in Europe

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 9:07 pm
by sektor2111
It's METAL - as shown in my picture similar with previous ScreenShot - for clarification.

Edit (winter machine doesn't like hot a summer so it went stuck...)
Meh, I'm calm because... it's not my server. This debate is just interesting - speaking about ping. My thoughts here and own considerations:
- interval between ticks is a time added to ping because server responds in next tick;
- when server uses high tickrate this interval is smaller and then added to real ping returns a logic smaller value;
- if you have this interval 1 ms (1000 tickrate) server will still have real ping + that 1 ms and whatever time for packet size.

And now, if a player has a low net speed, if server uses high tickrate (fake probably) will attempt to send bunches of data to player and player cannot "swallow" everything... developing "ghost hits" (wtf did hit me ?) has chances to not see who did damage because data has been lost/discarded due to speed limited/slot/Player - yeah, at high tickrate you'll need a higher Net Speed as Player - else, everything is now limited by default 1024 channels used between server and client - probably for Siege is not a big problem right here (I hope so).
I was testing 60 Tickrate in my machine where I play DM CTF with Bots and... some monsters (my custom games). Well, some projectiles fired even by me were like warping randomly because at 7500 Net Speed used by Player (Me) forced by game, I couldn't get all info from Server. At 30-40 TickRate, I was playing pretty much smoother, so you have to take in account that not everyone knows Net stuff for increasing speed and they will complain later about a borked game.
If I would be admin there I would test some game with pawns around (spawned) to see how do it works and testing real tickrate. You should not think about high tickrate for improving ping - this is not a response. Response is server configuration (machine itself + OS) and Net Provider. If provider is a less professional one unable to have a smoother network, your "super duper" setup will not help will even increase warping and strange occurrences happening, because more data is being discarded during a random real net lag.
And not mention something, nowadays with these Net Speed offered, not even a drunk baboon will not think in no lags, high Speed ~= Lower Quality - Ping Spikes - due to net load in area (users, downloads, updates, etc.) because some providers are overestimating capabilities for being a good looking for clients but in fact not all of them have resources for a high Net Speed and a smoother connection in the same time, and there are other factors in player side too...
Let me see, my provider can offer some Net Speed at 500 MBit but with small letters is written in a corner of the contract: "Speed is not guaranteed all time", because they are presuming that not everyone is downloading in the same time - but network can be a bit more loaded in a random moment of day, so... during week-end probably NONE of clients have speed promised...
In hoping that Net Provider for that Game Server is a good one, your setup might be good even if I'm not 100% sure. In time you'll see how do it works.