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Hey everyone

Post by redgrape404 »

Hi there, at first I wanted all the modders to do a certain project for me and I realized something " why did I wast these years dawleing around makeing a fool out of my self well, today I change for the good of the coummity, and I am going to Devlopment School, learning what to do to creat mods from small things to total conversions
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Re: Hey everyone

Post by ShaiHulud »

Good luck - like anything it seems hardest at the beginning. The more practise you get, the more comfortable you'll feel with it.
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Re: Hey everyone

Post by nogardilaref »

Never count on anyone to do anything for you.
It might be hard at first to do things for yourself, but after you start doing them, it's very rewarding once you start to accomplish things by yourself without depending on anyone else.

So you will have to endure the learning process for a while, but after that, you will be able to do whatever you want rather naturally, and that feeling of being able to do anything is just... there's no words to describe it.
As long as you're serious about this, you will get there. :tu:
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Re: Hey everyone

Post by redgrape404 »

I got it and I've also had a small but recognizable project that involves Jazz Jackrabbit
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Re: Hey everyone

Post by Dr.Flay »

As much as I applaud your enthusiasm, I think you are trying to run before you can walk.

Personally I would try a little of everything, but concentrate on that 1 project at a time.
For example, first step would be to make a map with doors, movers, pickups, zones and good pathing.
Next, a new weapon to practice modelling and open the door to Uscript
Next I would suggest making a mutator to start getting used to Uscript.
Player and pawn models are something that needs more artistic skill, but if you want to make games you should know how to Build a simple model and animate it so you get used to skeletal models and the problems faced with importing stuff like this into a flaky old beat like UEd2.

Importantly you must know what it is you are asking of other people, so you do not ask too much.
You must lead by example, so it means you have to start with something on the table.
You do not have to be an expert just knowledgeable, or you cannot effectively lead a project.
I have great ideas for games, but no way could I lead a project to make any, that is why I contribute with existing projects such as ChaosUT where a team of experienced devs are making my chaotic dreams into reality.
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Re: Hey everyone

Post by ANUBITEK »

If you need any info on scripting, check out the links jn my sig.
<<| http://uncodex.ut-files.com/ |>>

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