"Hardcore" Speed without damage boost?

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"Hardcore" Speed without damage boost?

Post by UTNerd24 »

So I thought i'd slow down and take a break from turbo matches, but I kinda find the damage scaling in hardcore to be slightly intrusive. Classic is what im going for here, but Im so used to the timescale in Hardcore and above that I tend to get my timings mixed up. Yes, you could argue that classic timescale would be a more "definitive" experience, but trust me, when you play such an awesome game in a certain way for 10+ years, you just cant help but to stick with it.
I feel as if this question doesent really deserve its own thread, but it still seems worth asking. Thanks in advance!
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Re: "Hardcore" Speed without damage boost?

Post by Barbie »

Maybe write a simple Mutator that changes DeathMatchPlus.ReduceDamage():

Code: Select all

if ( bHardCoreMode )
	Damage *= 1.5;
See also thread JumpZ scale lower than standard value even online.
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Re: "Hardcore" Speed without damage boost?

Post by UTNerd24 »

Barbie wrote:Maybe write a simple Mutator that changes DeathMatchPlus.ReduceDamage():

See also thread...
Thanks for the help, but it seems that I found an alternative way to play for the time being. All I had to do was increase the timescale by 0.5. I know its a waste of a good thread, but I appreciate the sentiment.
...What timescale does Lightning Deathmatch run at anyway?
I've been playing UT for so long it's practically tradition.