MonsterHunt types

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MonsterHunt types

Post by EvilGrins »

What version of MonsterHunt do you have?

I've got 5.3, currently.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by OjitroC »

I use MH 504 now though until very recently I used the one you're using. I changed when playing Sektor2111's map MH-Sk_Godz because the old version of MH caused some problems with it. The version I'm now using is certainly better plus it has a number of configurable options to do with monster health, etc. Check it out.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by FXANBSS »

I'm playing with MonsterHunt 5.03 which is the best I could find... Where can I get those newer ones? :shock:
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by OjitroC »

FXANBSS wrote:I'm playing with MonsterHunt 5.03 which is the best I could find... Where can I get those newer ones? :shock:
You can get it here ...
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

I've used many types of MH versions but over all I think sektor2111's MH2 seems by far the most superior in testing. I tried Higor's prototype MH and had its good and bad points. Also been running sektor2111's XC_MH and so far it has been ok for most the maps I have but it does puke on alot of the client favorties.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by EvilGrins »

I suppose i should probably finally relent and get sektor2111's upgrade finally.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by sektor2111 »

A few words about XC_MonsterHunt in testing stage:
- Every old/not old weapon replacement is configurable in INI file so to speak replacements are no longer hard-coded so any failure (mising a class might have a correct deal) - sample: if you don't like a "weapon" add a TournamentWeapon as replacement. You will say: Hey, but Skaarj. Probably Skaarj are like never bugged (except classes stupidly messed up by coders);
- mod do includes some A.I. code different from original MH - don't push Bot blindly - attempt to leave combat alone;
- Order of touching waypoints is wrapped as MonsterEnd ending game - you'll see why later;
- several net tweaks are operated according to Higor's recommendations in ProtoMH;
- controller codes from often called functions are rewritten starting with GameInfo - no more bullshit in console;
- Counting Monsters is operated all time slowly in background - default MH5.3 doesn't count monsters correctly - if you have monsters spawned later and nothing killed counter says 0 until you have a kill - pretty dumb idea;
- Monster can be or not awake in map (configurable in ini) - some geometry testing can be done here without to be bugged by creatures around - Factories are still triggered if exist. So to speak nothing is moving in map if game doesn't run preventing executing useless codes. If game starts monsters starts to be awake slowly - slowly to prevent iterations - teaming monsters is done step by step and not all at once. Maps high loaded probably needs disabled mover tweaking because it might go to UE1's boundaries crashing - goal of this MH is a controller for playing MAPS not overloaded craps called "Maps";
- this is an expanded default MH so it doesn't need any attached End or Waypoint it is working using default triggers and responds to "MonsterHunt(Level.Game)" code because it is a MonsterHunt child;

Fixing some borked deals of default MH was possible using ReplaceFunction because YES this controller has as goal XC_Engine as support - and that's why default MonsterWayPoint is now more nice. It will not run in a raw default server crashing instantly. Fixes are impossible for default MH without having native support so I'm no longer busy with default server methods because it needs hundreds of tweaks rather than a few codes.

Bot Support - exist based on default MH rules, wrapped, Bot engaged with enemy will not push doors trying to move constantly to waypoint - it will fight. Finding waypoint is a bit extended, they can go around that location even if Waypoint might be a bit too high - 70% might have changes to find it if map has a good geometry not those in which DevPath doesn't work. I have tested this placing Waypoint beyond a ledge where in default cannot be found but here Bot can still go for it not 100% all times but is better than it was. Some iterators used by Bot all time have a minimal usage so to speak Bot code is accelerated by... not executing dumb things over and over leaving A.I. alone and reacting forced on a closer range - do not sleep with monster camping near your ass, probably attitude tweaks from maps are crapped because this game has as goal hunting monsters not kissing their ass as others might be thinking. Monsters are interested to hunt PAWNS in here, if they attack retarded cannons and destroying them I don't really care - I was speaking about those cannons already somewhere where I could read "honest developers" - yeah, very honest, no doubts. FlockPawn also is not an exception - I got tired of Biterfish biting monster which was ignoring it - fuck off with this, in my opinion Monster is... MONSTER which have no mercy toward anything.
Controller has no deals with crapped up maps (ruined paths crashing) and neither with "pawns" unfinished and used as "stuff" for "mapping" - read well here.

I'm not sure if the last compilation will come out too soon as long as people seems to not be that interested about XC_Engine, and this MH does simple tweaks and things based on XC_ Engine else it won't run not even a second. I've added some Automag which I forgot previously - it doesn't include Akimbo because original stuff doesn't have any Akimbo - which is not finished as usual, and codes are crapped because this is what was doing community to UT generally with only a few exceptions.
To not forget - nearby XC_Engine and before BaseMutator controller spawns 3 configurable actors (Mutators, Actors, etc. if they are declared in INI) just for any early tweak needed (patchers or such) - these are not a very need - XC_Engine allows some tweaking already - so to speak you can modify even BaseMutator if you have a better one. INI file is not automated is created in Preferences Menu because I'm no longer a fan of disk writes forever so config is being read from file but not saved any change game-speed related as UT does fragmenting drive for no purpose.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by sektor2111 »

Some bump here:
After thinking yesterday at a strategy for fixing movers in a spread execution for not loading iterations to crash limit, I did something probably cute, Higor's iterator did not help because other things were loading cycles during fixes... but it does the mover fix ignition.
The true story comes later. I cannot test maps with 9000 actors/creatures but only some map with around 3000 creatures. Because I went over iterations boundaries passing job to a background process, now for these extra loaded Levels probably is required a better CPU type - my rig reacts here as a doggy slow - but it doesn't crash. As another matter of fact by adding a "reflex" in state Attacking from ScriptedPawn, Berserker type farts are... GONE...
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by Gustavo6046 »

XC this, XC that. I'm tired. Almost nobody knows about XC or even uses it. The new fashion is playing MonsterHunt or shitty-hopping. CTF-Face makes for hyperpopulated servers too :P
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by sektor2111 »

Gustavo6046 wrote:Almost nobody knows about XC or even uses it
That almost nobody is 2 people: you with yourself :mrgreen: . Such a XC_MH prototype is fired somewhere in a server which is not your business. And about XC_Engine usage and "nobody uses it", keep your bullshit thoughts for yourself - you don't have any clue about reality. That sick collision crash from your previous super duper match might not exist in XCGE - but you are out of this subject after all.
You don't like XCGE ? FINE ! DO YOURSELF an ENGINE Extension then, or gtfo.
Aside I don't know who the heck think you are to underestimate Higor's work. You were using some of his codes and now you are mooing at him ? Don't drop your self-defaming spree to others because no one cares anyway.
I give you a friendly advice - FINISH YOUR WORK before being concerned about what others are doing. Unless you want to see nobody looking at your "mods" :lol2: .
And something to drive you crazy :P , I'm playing this XCMH for around 3-4 months using my maps and other maps without a single game-crash, yeah, me, that guy wiring systems - non-programmer - I did this finally in 2017. I'm interested when you will have something stable like that, and minding things in a serious formula rather than crapping posts.
Last edited by sektor2111 on Fri Jul 21, 2017 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by Gustavo6046 »

I do like XCGE, but you kind of think it replaces anything. Have you ever used 227? I don't care with other people if they don't want to see my mods. They suck anyway. But that is not your fucking business.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by sektor2111 »

Gustavo6046 wrote:But that is not your fucking business.
So what ? Get some sleep...
During this time I'm gonna update my server for the rest of tests...
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by Gustavo6046 »

So you shouldn't even have known of it's existence. It was an EXPERIMENT, not a full-fledged mod. I never expected players or critics or even twats to see it. Just other modders. I wanted tips on how to improve my code. I am only recently remembering/relearning how to use Replication features.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by sektor2111 »

Replication might be... interesting or annoying, That chapter did not really fascinated me but I had to fix some issues, so was necessary to log things and to figure what actors does what and where (server/client).
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by Gustavo6046 »

I probably have simulated too many functions in MushMatch.uc. I will normalize the ones who aren't simulated in TeamGamePlus.uc.
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