MonsterHunt types

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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by Barbie »

OjitroC wrote:I should have said that the Crimson Guard inflict NO damage on other monsters
I tried that on my test server and there the Crimson Guards make damage on other monsters. It seems that the Crimson Guards (sub class of TeamCannon) are confusing the MH version you have used.

BTW: because they are no ScriptedPawns there is a chance that you can telefrag them...
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by OjitroC »

Barbie wrote: It seems that the Crimson Guards (sub class of TeamCannon) are confusing the MH version you have used.
Yes, that's it; thanks for that. There is a setting (bNoRiskCannon) in the MH2_NS_V2.ini and by setting this to false the Crimson Guards now attack when hit. I did not realise they were a sub class of TeamCannon.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

@OjitroC I have a MH2_NS_V8 made for {HoF} specifically which worked pretty good. If you are interested I would give it too you but I will not actively help support or debug it.

EDIT: And of course sektor2111 would have to agree to me giving it too you since all of the work is his except some certain codes and settings I altered.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by sektor2111 »

You guys might figure effects of a TeamCannon when it does start killing ScriptedPawns, that INI setting is not there because Moon is round at midnight, is there because I know what I was doing compared with other "mappers" which don't have too much clue what are doing... Else there are controller tweaks trying to skip some monster "feature" or else game will get stuck like a rock if won't crash based on trash pawns used... Rare occurrences but not impossible to happen... yeah, speaking about not adding "sanity checkers" in default monster - without them game goes down-hill.

Another feature of such MH2 type is that player can do damage even without weapon in a heavy ambush when doesn't have a chance to get a weapon. Can you figure it ? :lol2: This is a personal replacement of "SpawnProtection".
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Fine, I'll show those idiots what "MH mapping" means! Doing stuff properly, fixing the BSP correctly and pathing like a Nels- I mean so properly nobody can complain!
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by sektor2111 »

All right, start a MH mapping thread containing hints, tutorials, cheap hacks, examples, etc. I'm interested.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by OjitroC »

sektor2111 wrote:You guys might figure effects of a TeamCannon when it does start killing ScriptedPawns, that INI setting is not there because Moon is round at midnight, is there because I know what I was doing compared with other "mappers" which don't have too much clue what are doing... .
Yes, I understand that that setting is there for a reason - however, like many other things, it is a question of balancing demonstrable benefits against potential risks. The CrimsonGuards are useful in dealing with the boss and other monsters (though the player has to work hard to get them involved) and so the bNoRiskCannon setting has to be set to False in order for them to 'work'. I have played the map (in a variety of versions) a number of times now and have yet to observe any visible harm caused by the CrimsonGuard killing ScriptedPawns. So I consider that, on this map, the benefits outweigh the potential harm. As an aside and as a matter of interest, what are the effects of a TeamCannon killing ScriptedPawns?

Of course, this applies only to the DarkForest map (and its variants) and, more likely than not, I would set bNoRIskCannon to True on other maps, unless I observed that something that should be working, or that I wanted to work, was not as a result of this setting. Surely the whole point of a configurable mod (or game-type) is that one can configure it to suit the particular circumstances in which it is being used?
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by sektor2111 »

This MH2 has a bit of A.I push for preventing some codes to run and stepping in advance, trying to get over some "executions" - game instances are... various and less predictable...
But I'll tell you something.
A few years ago I was showing to Gopostal a nice server stuck in a map with zombies by using strong cannons summoned in spawn location of Zombies. A few Zombies died killing server at once with them. OKAY, because I don't trust any story or occurrence I was modifying a BBBridge map for testing purpose. A few 1337Mercenaries(cannons) near playerstart actors, after battle when our mercs and "heavy" tentacles were killed in a collateral damage action, game went stuck like a rock and I called help from TaksManager in order to prevent cooler to fly from CPU. BYTE things in UnrealEngine1 if are coming with an Accessed None or more = K.O. server - that's why MH servers are a lot more UNSTABLE compared with DM ones which are not using monsters because monster being crapped at codes should not be only blindly copied - it needs fixes. Occurrences very evident I saw even in last "patch" for that time called version 451b (b perhaps comes from <Bullshit> I suppose... :? )
Another Byte deal was in a private server hosted by professionals, not home users and I was able to create a perfect stuck instance just mooing a few commands bound on keys as player NOT admin.
Bad UScript sequences written in this game are doing bad damage - even hardware damage if I think well related to that sudden CPU load.
But we don't have to be worried we can keep saying that UT is the most awesome game and we can happily clap hands and legs and heads and talking using words like "awesome" often, lying as much as possible, this is how do community works.
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by Gustavo6046 »

sektor2111 wrote:All right, start a MH mapping thread containing hints, tutorials, cheap hacks, examples, etc. I'm interested.
I mean as in, doing a map to show what is a QUALITY MH map. I haven't PUBLISHED a map in some time, but I have been doing some experiments, improving brushwork, etcetra.

Until getting stuck in uninspiration, like here:
"Everyone is an idea man. Everybody thinks they have a revolutionary new game concept that no one else has ever thought of. Having cool ideas will rarely get you anywhere in the games industry. You have to be able to implement your ideas or provide some useful skill. Never join a project whose idea man or leader has no obvious development skills. Never join a project that only has a web designer. You have your own ideas. Focus on them carefully and in small chunks and you will be able to develop cool projects."

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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by sektor2111 »

Yeah, a cough for me... I'm not always inspired at doing stuff. A common sample is/are day/s when I travel to fix several surveillance systems with troubles and then, in evenings, I'm out of focus at creativity...
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by Gustavo6046 »

This is how it's going:
"Everyone is an idea man. Everybody thinks they have a revolutionary new game concept that no one else has ever thought of. Having cool ideas will rarely get you anywhere in the games industry. You have to be able to implement your ideas or provide some useful skill. Never join a project whose idea man or leader has no obvious development skills. Never join a project that only has a web designer. You have your own ideas. Focus on them carefully and in small chunks and you will be able to develop cool projects."

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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by sektor2111 »

Until to see something valid around this "super duper" map I think I can quote in this thread Mh which I used last time XC_MonsterHunt, see this topic viewtopic.php?f=15&t=11630&p=99225#p99225
That's it. Else in time I might be willing to show some map accordingly, in case of some sudden inspiration...
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Re: MonsterHunt types

Post by OjitroC »

The only thing I would say is that too much glass flooring can be extremely disorientating and simply unpleasant to play on particularly if there are a lot of pawns, gibs and blood about. Just something to think about perhaps.