papercoffee wrote:nogardilaref wrote:
So my question is: is this already public knowledge
Not for me... I use software renderer mainly because my machine runs hot otherwise. And UEd crashes more often.
Do you mean you also use software renderer for normal gameplay too?

(I already had to use it too in the past, for similar reasons)
But in the case of the editor it shouldn't cause issues: it's rendered at a lower resolution (unless you go full screen sometimes) and, unless the preview is enabled, the viewport should only update whenever you move I think.
Hellkeeper wrote:
Normal UT only has an old D3d and software rendering. If you have more, I guess you're using Unreal 227 or the new UT SDK? If so, people using them are probably savy enough to know about this?
In my case, given that my only options were those 2 (old D3D and software), I simply went to the .ini itself and set the Device for the 3D viewport myself.
First I tried OpenGL (not the one from Smirftsch), it worked but sometimes perpendicular surfaces to the ones I selected would get all borked, so I tried D3D9 instead, no issues whatsoever thus far, renders everything perfectly.