FekLeyrTarg says hi

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FekLeyrTarg says hi

Post by FekLeyrTarg »

Hello there,

I'm FekLeyrTarg.
Even though I've never played the Unreal series itself, I've played a few UE-based games and grown a great apprechiation of that engine over the years.

Here's a list of UE-based games I've played so far:
* Star Trek: TNG - Klingon Honor Guard (UE 1)
* Star Trek: DS9 - The Fallen (UE 1)
* Star Wars: Republic Commando (UE 2)
* Renegade-X (UE 3/UDK)

Soon (hopefully):
* Star Trek: Excalibur (UE 4)
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Re: FekLeyrTarg says hi

Post by Dr.Flay »

Welcome to the Unrela world FekLeyrTarg
As you have experience with a few old UE1 games you will be familiar with getting an old game running on new PCs, and UT99 is no different.
The tutorial linked at the top of the site "Tweak Your UT Graphics To The Maximum!" is a little dated but still relevant for all versions of UT99.

Nice to have you on-board
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Re: FekLeyrTarg says hi

Post by FekLeyrTarg »

Thanks, Dr.Flay. :)

I did try the new renderers (OpenGL 3.7, Direct3D9 and Direct3D10) on DS9: The Fallen, but they seem seem to be incompatible.
Fortunately, there's still nGlide which helps getting that game to run on Win10 properly without having to use the Software Renderer. :)
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Re: FekLeyrTarg says hi

Post by Terraniux »

Hi there. Image
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Re: FekLeyrTarg says hi

Post by Chamberly »

Hi! Welcome aboard and I hope you can share us some cool stuff! Hehe.

Which one of the Unreal game are your favorite and why?
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Re: FekLeyrTarg says hi

Post by FekLeyrTarg »

Thanks for the warm welcome. :)

That's a hard question. I'm fond of all of the ones I've listed above as they all have a certain charme.
Unfortunately, I can't play "Klingon Honor Guard" anymore as I get dizzy during gameplay, as it is the case for me with many early FPS-games like Doom, Dark Forces and Jedi Knight as well. :/
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Re: FekLeyrTarg says hi

Post by EvilGrins »

Dizzy from FPS, eh? That sucks!

So you know, there are Klingon skins for ut99... if you ever give our game a shot. I probably have them somewhere or other.

I've messed around with them enough:


Yes, those are Gorn... but 1 of them is wearing a Klingon uniform.