-]NBK[- CUP Z - January 2018

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-]NBK[- CUP Z - January 2018

Post by Slider »


-]NATURAL BORN KILLERS[- Invites You to join us in celebrating 10 years as a UT99 SNIPER TEAM!

In January 2018 -]NATURAL BORN KILLERS[- will host The -]NBK[- CupZ.
The Cup will be played in honour of Sergio – [DOC] ZAGOR – a true gentleman of the game who is sadly missed!
The final format of the cup will be decided when enough teams register their interest.
We are hoping to reach 16 teams to help recreate some of the classic cups of the past!
-]NBK[- CupZ will be a Classic Camping Tournament with well organized and refereed matches that
will start with a Qualification Round to decide the groups.

More info to follow but we hope and would love to see your team taking place in the Cup Z.

Team -]NBK[-

There is already 13 Team signed up for this Sniping Camping CUP! We still looking for 3 teams. Cup starts on January 14 with a qualification Match!
if there is still some Sniper Camper teams around there & interested about this game please feel free to sigh up, or have a contact with us.
You guys can find us on our Sniper Camper Community Discord server: https://discord.gg/5spM2KN
Or visit the NBK site: http://nbk-portal.no2000.net
you can find every information, sign up page and rules after registration.