my customized Fire and AltFire functions are being overridden by something else, and i have no idea where it comes from
i was told that i should look into the playerpawn states, and indeed there are Fire and AltFire functions inside them
but, even after overwriting all these states inside my own custom spectator class, the problem is still happening
this is the class:
Code: Select all
class BTSpectator expands CHSpectator;
reliable if(Role < ROLE_Authority)
exec function Fire(optional float F)
ClientMessage ("XXXXX Fire Original");
Log ("XXXXX Fire Original");
exec function AltFire(optional float F)
ClientMessage ("XXXXX AltFire Original");
Log ("XXXXX AltFire Original");
simulated function WTF()
ClientMessage ("XXXXX WTF");
Log ("XXXXX WTF");
the Fire function works as in the original CHSpectator
and the AltFire function only seems to trigger ViewSelf(), i couldnt find any trace of logic about why ViewSelf() is triggered
so i have been trying many different things, but now i seriously dont know wtf to do
i hope someone knows whats going wrong, help is very much appreciated