New PropHunt for UT99

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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by sektor2111 »

papercoffee wrote:or have to search (the hunter) and not directly finds you and shoot.
So... if anyone else is creative and need hints for game types- a biography like:
- Relics - spawn randomly - can be possible spots for Seekers - not my relics spawning always around player;
- FindRandomDest - paths conditional.
Other combinations:
Rand(X) - when X is the number of NavigationPoints/spots possible to look at set as target from time to time (or a random time using above stuff)
RandRange(X,Y) randomize a sort of luck for A.I. Pawn in his task.
I'm not sure if I need more brainstorming as long as in UT, randomization does not requiring new tools, is native.
Default Bot is not enough ? Subclass it and configurable in a different INI file for preventing conflicts in multi-servers where other types of Bots are used.

Excuse my outage but I think I was speaking about it around 27-28 December last year (if memory doesn't cheat me), else NavAdder is a hungry thing, it needs more modules, time is passing...
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by Feralidragon »

sektor2111 wrote:
Feralidragon wrote:I don't really see the appeal to play it against bots, it's no fun to bamboozle a bot, but an actual player on the other hand...
Seriously ? Another game for 0 (zero) game Off-Line and directly dependent by others - especially which are leaving in 4-5 minutes - very nice indeed ? Thanks for suggestion anyway :thudown: .
A gametype like this is like playing pranks on others, and playing pranks on a bot, no matter how smart it is, is no fun, the reaction is never "genuine" and it feels empty and not really very fun.

I am not sure if you tried any of those new battle royale games yet (like Fortnite, which I have been personally quite addicted to lately), but it's the same thing: it would be no fun against bots, the required creativity and reaction from the players wouldn't be there, the bots would always have a pattern you could exploit.
Unlike other gametypes like DM for example which are fun with either bots and players in this game, because unlike these 2 gametypes, it's mindless, you just need to run, dodge and shoot fast and accurately, there's barely any thought put during the gameplay.

That's all my point was.

Thus, having that said, if he (or you) wants to add bot support, sure, then do so, I am not opposing it.
It can be done, and it's actually not that hard to create some rudimentary bot support to make it playable at least.

It's just, if you're doing it only to say it supports bots, rather than being fun to play against bots, that's not a good road to take.
However if you want it because you genuinely disagree with my opinion and you personally find it to be fun to play this against bots, to each one their own, go ahead and have fun. :tu:
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by 'Zac »

Thanks for the responses guys, AI coming soon!!!
@Ferali, yes I do kind of want it to be somewhat fun with bots, I'm sure it's possible to give them that reality
New changes for next version:
- Set hider's collision to be their prop's collision, i noticed that if I were a tree and go into a building, the tree cannot clip through brushes and be ' out of world ' and the player would lose their prop with them, allowing them to freely wander invisibly, not good. So now, hiders can only go to places where their prop permits them, I think thats a great new feature.

- Made the hider's prop in first person not visible to them so they can see without a big prop blocking their view ( only client side) alt-fire / behindview mode allows the hider to see their prop/mesh.

- Made Hunter bots go straight to ' Attacking ' without any want to camp to make them move around the map.
- Made Hider bots ' Hold ' at their current position and camp there.

This is very minimal AI logic, though it does make the game a bit more interesting when I spectate my botz.

Next to do...
- Give hider bots the logic to change their prop.

- Give hunter bots the logic to shoot at decors and test for players ( this is probably how far I'll go with bot A.I., as it does appear that this gamemode is most fun with other humans )

- Make hider selector gun invisible ( for testing purposes, the third person sniperrifle mesh is visible )

- Small changes to score board, move text around and make it look cleaner

- Thinking about adding a rotation ability for the hiders, i had to choose between a behindview alt-fire or a rotate-45-degrees alt-fire, any ideas for this? Maybe have rotation as alt fire because players can set behindview for themselves and have noobs learn the absolute complex ability to set a bind? Still on the edge with this feature.

- MAPS!!!
What's a gamemode mod without maps to play it? I literally have one test map and a sample map I took from RTNP, so I have to get mapping once all this coding is finished up :agree1:
If you know a map with plenty of decoration actors in it or an excellent map candidates that just needs decorations/props put in it, go right ahead and let me know. Also, if you want to support my mod for the community, you can absolutely make prop hunt maps if you'd like :thuup:
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by Hook »

Keep up your good work Zac :tu:
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by 'Zac »

Beta Version released
Hello, zac here again

All gameplay mechanics are finished and works like a charm. The only things left for the final version is to be compatible with servers and to have a server of my own hosting my mod (in the midst of doing, need assistance though) ... nt-beta-10

Changes May 21, 2018:
- Hider's prop is not floating or through floor.

- Hiders take on the collision of their prop.

- Hiders lose 3 health every 3 seconds while moving, while healing 1 health if not.

- Hiders can alt-fire to view third person mode.

- Hiders' selector weapon makes no noise and is not visible.

- Included PropHunt.ini to configure variables to your choosing.

- Hider Bots camp around their starting position

- PH-town now has all files ( was previously missing the skytwn.umx, it is now included )

- Added death text when a player dies

- Added view lock for dead hunters to prevent spec cheating

- Changed start prop for hiders to the UnrealShare.Vase

- Added settings and rules for matches

- Hiders can only see their own prop when in behindview mode. ( previously, your prop would block your view )
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Last edited by 'Zac on Wed May 23, 2018 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Not sure how to feel about that hp drain. Don't remember the original having it, so does that mean if it goes to 0 they die and lose anyways? :???:
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by papercoffee »

UnrealGGecko wrote:Not sure how to feel about that hp drain. Don't remember the original having it, so does that mean if it goes to 0 they die and lose anyways? :???:
If yes, then the hunter doesn't have to do anything. Just wait till they died.
Or is a hider not any longer able to move if the health goes zero?
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by 'Zac »

No, it does not go to 0.
It stops at draining at 15, only when moving however, though standing still regenerates. I incorporated that to let hiders blend into their environment and taking in mind ' running away ' or ' running across map to find another prop' to make them easy targets, because a moving prop to a hunter is definite player for sure. The max health for hiders is 50, though is a custom setting you can set.

I wanted the health drain to be like a ' hey you shouldnt really be moving around all the time ', however health resets when the hunters are released after that free hiding time for hiders.
After that free hiding time and the hunters are released and on the hunt, then for each three seconds moving for a hider, they lose the 3 health. you can go a far distance with dodging / running in three seconds, so i think its pretty balanced.
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by 'Zac »

Hey everyone zac here again,

I've been tweaking and tweaking PropHunt for UT99 as much as I can, making it a good final release and enjoyable on a server.

However, I am hosting a public server to test the networking capabilities of new Prop Hunt versions. The only problem is that there is no redirect ( sorry guys, not sure how to set up yet ) and that I can only test with myself, and bots ( ew ). Bots give me unreliable results as the server adds them at a wierd part of the code and they are just treated differently in the game type compared to human players.

So for testing purposes, I am going to be hosting this server:

The only problems I am having with my server ( or perhaps my code :/ ) is bTournament and bRequireReady not acting right. Bots sometimes won't join if MinPlayers is something like 3, MinPlayers will be set to 1 and even though I click in the game doesn't start. If I play alone with no bots jsut myself, my code reads that the score of the other team is zero which means all those players dead and ends the round/game, so once I spawn the round is over lol.

Small Additions:
- When a round ends, only the players restart. unlike previous versions, the whole game/map would restart.
- Instead of hunters having a locked view at start, they spectate/wait until they are released after HideTime, they cannot see Hiders' props though until the hidetime is over and Hunters are spawned.
- Replication

Learned a lot so far, though to continue testing PropHunt's compatibility with my server I need to keep recompiling, upload to FTP, restart server, join server, and figure out what I can with the wonky settings.
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by sektor2111 »

'Zac wrote:The only problems I am having with my server ( or perhaps my code :/ ) is bTournament and bRequireReady not acting right. Bots sometimes won't join if MinPlayers is something like 3, MinPlayers will be set to 1 and even though I click in the game doesn't start.
So this game-type isn't ready, server has nothing to do with these values, values are debated by controller itself in Timer testing number of players/bots joined, if that code is not written correctly it won't work properly. More faster testing is doable in a LAN server at home without wasting time with FTP stuff.
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by 'Zac »

Yes, timer does control such values. the only thing that confuses me is that prophunt works totally fine in single player with one not which is what i test with.
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by sektor2111 »

Then log them for a few seconds to see what values they have. Compare StandAlone with DedicatedServer what do they log.
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by 'Zac »

You're absolutely right there sir, I checked through the Timer() code and ended up finding a solution :tu: thanks sektor

Almost done now!!
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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by Pileyrei »

Tried joining...UT crashed....assertion error...…

Tried a few times of the long download. UT keeps crashing.

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Re: New PropHunt for UT99

Post by 'Zac »

- Fixed. I was getting it, too.
Prophunt for UT99!!!