BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

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BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by JackGriffin »

My entry for the contest. I've tested it as much as I can alone and with the occasional person hopping into my server. I'd like to ask the community to give it a go and shoot me some feedback.

Battle Royale for Unreal Tournament....there can be only one at the end.

BRUT is the full scale game with all custom pickups, weapons, etc. This is what I'd like to be considered in the contest as it matches the vision I had from the start:
BRUT (my google drive)

BRUTUS is the 'lite' version of the game that allows you to use any weapon mod and pickups. It's mainly the gametype and collapsing zone:
BRUTUS (my google drive)

Both gametypes use a configurable ini for the end game announcer. If you do not make changes to it and use the defaults you will need this sound package:
Here is the readme if you are still interested
Battle Royale Unreal Tournament (BRUT)
Battle Royale Unreal Tournament Using Standard weapons (BRUTUS)
Combined readme.....

In short BRUT is a single elimination last man standing with a collapsing death zone. Done in the style of Fortnite and PUBG it makes for very fast rounds with lots of action because players are compelled to eventually come together or be killed by the zone.

The gametype is split in two versions, allowing admins to play whatever way they would like. BRUT uses real-life counter strike weapons that have strengths and weaknesses as well as multiple unique pickups that can aid the player in different ways. BRUTUS dispenses with most of this and offers a stripped down version of the gametype that will be compatible with your chosen deathmatch flavor.

Quick Start Guide:
>Copy the contents of the folder marker "Server" to your game server.
>Add the contents of the folder "Redirect" to your server's redirect
>The gametype is "BRUT.BattleRoyaleUT" for BRUT and "BRUTUS.BattleRoyaleUT" for the lite version

Once the gametype is chosen and loaded BRUT will handle everything and the game will start. Players may add on-demand reload by binding "Mutate BRRELOAD" to a key. Good luck!

Ini file explained
UseRandomAdrenaline=True //random adrenaline will spawn around the map
UseRandomPans=True //random frying pan will spawn in the map
UseGraffiti=True //Paints randomized UT/Unreal themed graffiti on the walls
RadRate=70 //changes the damage rate of the zone, higher=faster
ZoneSpeed=0.010000 //changes the speed of the zone collapse
BurnInZone=True //removes zone damage
MonitorCheating=True //Let's all players know if an admin is cheating
DamageScaling=0.400000 //damage scaling, allows for longer matches
GraffitiNumber=6 //number of random graffiti placed around map
SlowTime=2.000000 //allows length of Kill Cam to be changed (Selfie Time!)
NormalTime=45.000000 //Leave alone
SlowSpeed=0.020000 //allows change to the speed used in the Kill Cam

//This section allows you to declare any sound to be used for the end game announcer. Just add
//a sound reference here and make sure the sound file has a proper redirect on your server. I have
//added WWCD.uax for you to see how it works.

Some extra information that's not really important...
-I scraped public-facing redirects for the graffiti textures. There's some pretty old stuff in it so keep an eye on
the walls. You'll never know what logo you might see next (there are nearly 80).
-The embedded anticheat can be disabled but if you can't remove the player notification. This will help stop admins
from abusing stealth logins to win games (yes, this is a problem).
-The frying pan can deflect some incoming bullets even if it's not equipped. It's always worth grabbing.

I started to specifically name but I'm scared to death I'll miss someone. There's direct credits in the source code
but suffice to say this was very much a community project. I had a *ton* of help from various people and they all
deserve accolades. Thank you to everyone that answered questions and provided guidance.

Source code:
You know how I feel about sharing. Obviously I didn't make things like the graffiti textures but you are welcome to
make your own Battle Royale gametype and use the source code however you want. Enjoy!
There will almost surely be revisions to this mod so please don't repost it and consider this an open beta test. I'd very much like to keep the naming convention used. For the formal release I'll post the entire source code as well as packaging everything into a single download. Thank you for your interest, this was the most fun I've ever had working in the engine. I think I'm finally figuring shit out.
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by OjitroC »

This is excellent, really well done and great fun - a great addition to the UT game types. Being a fan of 'real life' weapons, I like the way you've done the CS weapons and the pickups like the helmet and kevlar vests in particular. Games are over quite quickly but the settings in the .ini give a good degree of flexibility and so one is able to alter this. :gj:

I tried it (BRUT) out fairly quickly, using the mutators I normally use, on a couple of the beta maps for the AMC and, more for information than anything else, noted the following compatibility issues
  • 1 The gametype will work with maps with Xpickups in (like FNB's BigAndUgly) but the weapons/pickups won't be changed to the CS weapons/pickups and the HUD is the normal one, not the BRUT HUD;
    2 The EnhancedItems mutator seems to prevent the weapon change (but just the change of weapons) though the gametype will work fine otherwise (however, as CS Ammos are spawned, it's probably advisable not to use this mutator with BRUT);
    3 Using EnhancedRelics generates a LOT of script warnings but otherwise has no adverse impact on the game (CS weapons are spawned, the gametype works fine, etc)
I watched several bot matches on Deck16][ and AMC-Ars-Indus (both admittedly too small for the gametype) and came across a couple of issues:
- UT crashed 3 times with this error
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Assertion failed: Playing.Channel [File:G:\dev\nacput\Utpg_451\Galaxy\Src\UnGalaxy.cpp] [Line: 1250]
Critical: Windows GetLastError: Success. (0)
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
Exit: UGalaxyAudioSubsystem::ShutdownAfterError
Log: DirectDraw End Mode
Exit: UD3D9RenderDevice::ShutdownAfterError
Critical: StartSample
Critical: UpdateSounds
Critical: UGalaxyAudioSubsystem::Update
Critical: UGameEngine::Draw
Critical: UWindowsViewport::Repaint
Critical: UWindowsClient::Tick
Critical: ClientTick
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: UXC_GameEngine::Tick
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: XC_MainLoop
- Three or four times the games didn't end although there was only one bot left; this seemed to happen when the 'Kill Cam' came on.
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by JackGriffin »

I appreciate the feedback. To sum up a reply, this was never intended to be used as bot entertainment so there's for sure going to be problems if you play games without a human involved. In fact early versions had the game ending abruptly if all real players were eliminated but I felt like that was unsatisfactory if you were invested in seeing which bot killed you. I could code a ton of checks into the game and make sure it properly ends with a bot winner but realistically it's just not important. If two or three people are playing and they get eliminated they will just vote a next map.

I took great care that BRUT only replaces specific normal weapons, ammo, and pickups. Any map- (or mod) created subclasses should never be replaced. The conflict happens when there is another mod trying to replace those same classes. Really the BRUT gametype will have a pretty limited number of mods that will work correctly with it. If you want to do things like that you should start with BRUTUS and build up from there with the mod loadout you want to play. It will be much friendlier to them. Really, that's what I made that in parallel for, so this set of problems could be avoided. Think of it like this: BRUTUS is the base gametype that you can make into whatever you want to play. BRUT is *my* interpretation of that and the way I'd run my server.
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by papercoffee »

Got the files. Will test it.
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by JackGriffin »

Here's the combined source code for both mods
Source Code

You are free to do whatever you like with anything in there that I made. This was done with the idea that someone could easily make their own version the way they want to play it (like MH2 was). The source has many notes in it for the sections that are difficult for people to follow. It won't be crazy hard to make changes, even very large ones so don't be afraid to try.

I'm over the size limit so remove me from the contest, that's why I'm posting the source. I never wanted to actually compete anyway. I just wanted to support the contest and at the same time finish something I had started. I accomplished both of those so I'm good. Good luck to those of you that remain!

I think I'm going to take the winter off and go back to playing Ark. There's a really good DLC out. Merry Christmas!
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by papercoffee »

I linked your submission thread to the contest thread. You are now running under awesome Bonus content ;)
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by SzGergo »

Tried it, pretty awesome!
Tho i never played neither pubg nor fortnite, so i don't know how it should flow, but it seems really nice to me.
What it really needs are big open outdoor maps.

(Oh, and maybe if it had an option in the ini to set up a different texture for the cloud, i would have immediately put there some tv static thing instead this purple haze.. my aesthetic concern is just that the pattern is too big, and the unalignment of the huge pattern just make the edges blatantly pop out)
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by Dr.Flay »

I would have like to seen more reference to this in the votes. Playing with and without (same for Chaos) will often make a big difference to game play and map use.
Don't forget to try changing the order of the mutators if you have conflicts. EnhancedItems is one of those that can conflict, but can be moved so it does not depends on the mod it conflicts with).
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by papercoffee »

These game modes are the best I played in a long time ...Yes Sorry the map pack will be delayed till the next days, thanks to this awesome shit.
Especially the BRUTUS is my absolute favourite ...Good Bots are not always smart. But on a good map with not so much item clutter are they dangerous as hell.
I tried my biggest maps I had.
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

I have tried this gametype on my server and seems a few of us get GPF's. Also noticed that the gametype overrides the mapvote but maybe this is a setting I can tune. Over all I dig this game besides the errors I mentioned. Good job Kelly.
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by JackGriffin »

I'm sorry about that dude. I really tried to get people to test it out to properly debug everything but you know how that goes.... Feel free to rip into the mod and make it what you want. I put a ton of notes into the script and I'm always available if you need brought up to speed on something. The source code is complete and would immediately compile if you ran UCC on it.

If you email me the errors the players were getting I can help you close in on the issue. With so many renderer choices it's impossible for me to say there won't be any problems without various people testing the game and providing feedback like this.

(Soapboxing commences)
This is why so many mods and projects stall out at 90% and never get done. As a community it should be an imperative that support is given to people when they step forward and offer something. Play that posted map, test out that new voicepack, review someone's posted code snippets. It takes just a few minutes of your time but it's happening almost not at all now. We should do better than that if we really wanted to help keep the game alive.
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by sektor2111 »

I tested the mod and I apology for not adding feed-back. But... when I'm making a post and some "addicted" members are using a random opportunity to attack me rather than posting on-topic perhaps my feed-back won't be that visible. We have to accomplish the desire of trash-lovers to crash their games or else they are not happy. I hope you understand what I mean, I'm still thinking if worth spreading what I've worked last time because I won't accomplish mission in bringing crapped things as people want. Right now I have collected some maps posted here - without mentioning names, I will fix them for my interest (yes, fix them because are rushed for no purpose) without to say anything because I'm getting tired of the same story, no one wants to learn simple things, not C++, nor other Rocket Science, and then quiet and happy I will have new stuff...

I respect you a lot, you are my first UScript knowledge source, but in this place... let's say I won't make too much noise, we can discuss stuff where I do have control. Brut does some crashes at random as a note after firing a few sessions.
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by papercoffee »

I've never noticed any GPF... I played it online on Jack's server and offline many times.
Just yesterday I played BRUTUS without any problems.
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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by TheDane »

I play Fortnite with my kids every now and then, but my PC is old and the game is lagging. This could be fun to try. The link to download is down, anywhere else I can get this gamemode to try?

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Re: BRUT/BRUTUS (Entry for the December contest)

Post by Aldebaran »

It's included in the Awesome Mapping Contest Mappack, see this thread: