Konkurs' introduction

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Konkurs' introduction

Post by Konkurs_101 »

Hello guys,

I created an account on this forum because I recently went back to Unreal Tournament... And had a lot of fun! I've regularly got an irresistible need to play an old game, sometimes it's Total Annihilation, sometimes it's Aces over Europe, sometimes it's Battlefield 1942, and that time it was UT... And I actually ended up enjoying myself much more than with the other games!

As such, I decided I'd try going back to the community for a while, to see how things go, and here I am!

See you soon in game, I hope, and have a nice day and nice holidays.
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Re: Konkurs' introduction

Post by Hook »

Well, a BIG WELCOME back to UT99 Konkurs_101 ! :tu:
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Re: Konkurs' introduction

Post by Konkurs_101 »

Thanks! I'm glad to see that the community is still quite lively. My skills, however, aren't, they're so rusty that I'm afraid they'll fall into dust if I try to play too quickly :lol:
But, well, the bug's venom has already made its way and now it's too late to stop.
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Re: Konkurs' introduction

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Welcome to the forums and welcome back to the Tournament :tu:
Hope to see ya online.
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Re: Konkurs' introduction

Post by EvilGrins »

Did you bring cookies?
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