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System Messages for NW3

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:27 am
by BadCorps
I was wondering if there was a way to edit the system messages (i.e. Player has killed Bot w/ X Weapon) for the NW3 mod. If so, where would I go to edit the messages?

Re: System Messages for NW3

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:24 pm
by OjitroC
BadCorps wrote:I was wondering if there was a way to edit the system messages (i.e. Player has killed Bot w/ X Weapon) for the NW3 mod. If so, where would I go to edit the messages?
The settings for the NWCoreVIII.NWKillMsgManager are in NWConfig.ini - [NWCoreVIII.NWInfo] -> enableKillMsgManager=True turns the MsgManager on and the KillMessageOptions (DamageName and WeaponItem) are under [NWCoreVIII.NWKillMsgManager]. I'm not sure how much these messages can be altered beyond these two settings.

Of course, there's a death message for each weapon in the default properties of that weapon and, I assume, this is what is shown if the KillMsgManager is turned off.

Re: System Messages for NW3

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:31 pm
by Aldebaran
This is in interesting question in some way. I realized while playing CTF with NW3 (and other mutators at the same time) that sometimes these messages "sb killed sb with weapon xy" were not true. The person was killed yes, but with another NW3 weapon as said. I have no idea why this message was wrong and perhaps it's an issue in combination with other mutators. l have not been paying attention lately...

Re: System Messages for NW3

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:54 pm
by OjitroC
Aldebaran wrote:... sometimes these messages "sb killed sb with weapon xy" were not true. The person was killed yes, but with another NW3 weapon as said ...
Yes, I get that with the Graviton in particular - in fact, I get kill messsages for that weapon a minute or two after I've used it and then switched to another weapon (which has done the killling).

Some damage names are missing from the KillMessageOptions - for example, 'shot' for the WRE primary fire and there's nothing for the IRPR, though I assume the default death messages for those weapons are shown instead.

Re: System Messages for NW3

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:35 pm
by Feralidragon
Other than what was described above, you can edit the messages themselves through localization files.

These are the localization files for NW3:
(31.61 KiB) Downloaded 60 times
There you can find all the NW3 messages, including the ones you want.
It's only client-side though, if you plan to change the messages from a server perspective, so that every player sees your custom messages, it won't work.

As for the wrong messages appearing, I cannot say much unless I investigate the issue better, but in the final version of the mod I tried to track as best as possible which weapon was used to kill an enemy, because by default UT will associate with the currently held weapon by the player, when the enemy could have been killed by a mine instead for example.
So I built a custom manager in the mod which would provide he correct message based on the damage type.

In the case of the Graviton, I recall that NW3 also tracks if an enemy has been killed as a consequence of using this weapon, rather than looking at the damage type alone, so that killing someone using the beam through fall damage or sending them to a lava pit gets correctly credited to the player and the weapon involved. But I don't really remember well how I did this (I believe I attach something to the enemy when the beam is used, and make calculations from there), so it might indeed not be perfect.

Re: System Messages for NW3

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:02 pm
by Barbie
Aldebaran wrote:sometimes these messages "sb killed sb with weapon xy" were not true
This can happen with projectile weapons, because a projectile does not know from what weapon it was fired, it only knows the shooter (Instigator). The death message is assembled then by the weapon the shooter is currently holding. If he has changed the weapon while the projectile was flying, the message will be wrong.

<EDIT>Ups, Feralidragon already explained it above.</EDIT>

Re: System Messages for NW3

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:28 am
by BadCorps
Thank you to Feralidragon! Your contribution is really appreciated!