Unreal Tournament 469

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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Swanky »

I can probably give the editor features a whirl once it's publicly beta.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by [rev]rato.skt »

hi guys,

Could pay attention to the use of ut99 cpu, I have the feeling that ut2k4 is a newer game with a heavier graphics, but it seems that the game runs smoother and less memory and cpu usage... (talking about server)

or it would just be empression?
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by sn260591 »

Are there any plans to add a new compression algorithm for UZ? Zstd has good speed/compression.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Chris »

I'd like to know whether any changes are made to the builtin opcodes and if so, which and how?
What compiler version will be used for Linux builds? If a modern version is used, will it include a symbol level translation to support the existing native binaries built on ancient versions?
[rev]rato.skt wrote: Sun May 24, 2020 4:37 pm hi guys,

Could pay attention to the use of ut99 cpu, I have the feeling that ut2k4 is a newer game with a heavier graphics, but it seems that the game runs smoother and less memory and cpu usage... (talking about server)

or it would just be empression?
The engine is by nature wasting a lot of CPU cycles and memory. Maybe it's time to start working on a JIT compiler to take care of that sloppy code.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Shrimp »

I'm not sure whether or not it interferes with backward compatibility within the game or not, but does 469 use a new version number in package file headers produced by the updated UnrealEd? And if so, what number are we up to now?
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Feralidragon »

darksonny wrote: Sun May 24, 2020 4:11 pm What about those maps that uses mismatching textures? this is a deep problem, in you opinion what could be the solution in this area? BTW nice seeing you in the scene again :)
If you're referring to the problem of mismatching packages in general, while there are potential strategies and workarounds I have personally thought for a very long time (outside of the patch), the person who may shed some light on that would be @anth himself, not me. :)
As far as the patch goes, I'm a mere tester for now like others, and I have not been a very good one lately (due to lack of time). :)

[rev]rato.skt wrote: Sun May 24, 2020 4:37 pm hi guys,

Could pay attention to the use of ut99 cpu, I have the feeling that ut2k4 is a newer game with a heavier graphics, but it seems that the game runs smoother and less memory and cpu usage... (talking about server)

or it would just be empression?
That's mainly because UT2004 got a lot of fixes and optimizations, especially in the field of graphics.

UT99 does all its graphics heavy-lifting on the CPU side, and then tells the GPU to draw one thing at a time, being the main reason for the poly-count limits and such, whereas UT2004 moved most of this heavy-lifting to the GPU, hence being able to render more polys and greatly reduce the load on the CPU side.
It's an effect of the hardware advancements that happened in those years: at the time of UT99, 3D hardware graphics were still a novelty to an extent, but by the time of UT2003/2004 they were already the norm for most 3D games.

Shrimp wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 7:34 pm I'm not sure whether or not it interferes with backward compatibility within the game or not, but does 469 use a new version number in package file headers produced by the updated UnrealEd? And if so, what number are we up to now?
No, as far as I know, which actually makes the version code in the package (69) to closely match the version label of the new patch (469), which is nice, but I can confirm for sure in the weekend (unless @anth confirms this before).

This first patch is mostly a bug-fix patch, with a lot of extra love given to UnrealEd to bring it up to speed with U227 UnrealEd (2.2) in terms of fixes all around (BSP, lighting, crashes), as well some extra tools and options that the OldUnreal version may not necessarily have (yet), but everything built there is still compatible with 436 (it has to be).

The idea is to keep both editors up to speed with one another, meaning that fixes in one may be ported to the other, and vice-versa, and there are currently fixes and addons in the new UnrealEd for UT which didn't (originally) exist in OldUnreal's UnrealEd, so both games will benefit a lot from this editor parity.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by sektor2111 »

About updates and compatibility

ABSOLUTELY Nothing will go screwed up if you fix those:
- JumpSpot and
- TranslocStart deals and also some love at
- WarpZoneMarker won't hurt anything and I can promise that no computer will explode in area, trust me. Not sure if hurts a check for "markedWarpZone"

Code: Select all

if (markedWarpZone != None)
UT has debugging commands happily turned in useless stuff for maps having these as long as Epic got busy to ruin their own assets.
These have a dedication for Bots without to check if another Pawn is roaming around, discarding any Human Paths Tester for no single reason.
Definitely JumpSpot should be FREE way for a Pawn with PHYS_Flying and all that Translocator specific craps definitely won't stop a Fly to navigate. Why not dealing with ALL possible Paths Seekers ?

But... maybe these are not a must-have after all... I can conform other stock adjusted for all requirements if these won't be fixed after releasing a public 469...
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Swanky »

Speaking of Warp Zones. I'd love to see them work with instahit weapons. Long term development, of course.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Ubir4 »

I am infinitely very, very happy with the result obtained with the help of this patch. Excellent job they did. Thank you.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by sektor2111 »

It's place for more options:
- ShowPaths - we do have this
- ShowPrunedPaths - We Don't have this.

Map DM-Deck16][
PathNode67 has a reachspec number 563 heading to PathNode54 - We don't have knowledge about it as a visual feature:

Code: Select all

Specs: PathNode67 - PrunedPaths[3]=563 ->PathNode67 --->PathNode54 RFlags=Jump Walk =9 Dist=616
ShortcutConnected: PathNode67 to PathNode54.
Until to see a Snippet code in how to detect ALL reachSpecs, I won't remove anything from MapGarbage. In June 2020 update that feature stays there, I worked for that thing and I'm not going to remove it without a replacement.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Forum|User »

- Fix the vertical scrollbar, if I install a $h!t load of maps, skins, mutators. Also what about the loading speed?
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by Chamberly »

Forum|User wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:00 pm - Fix the vertical scrollbar, if I install a $h!t load of maps, skins, mutators. Also what about the loading speed?
What is there to fix on the vertical scroll bar?

Map loading issue has been handled fine in 469 if you wanna enroll in the betatesting program. Skins/mutators are not affected but those mutators are depending on their code of load.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by sektor2111 »

When users are having INT files pointing at null packages troubles are expected. In any of my UT version (playing modding) I do not have any problem here. All INT files are calling valid classes. If these INT files are too many, they can be renamed to INTU whatever for being ignored and preventing to load memory with useless content - see garbage purging task in log file. Like I said somewhere before, an UT version having 20+ GB it's not something to be proud of... unless you have more maps which you like... a large collection of mods/mutators are just a slow-down and nothing helpful making garbage collector to take ages...
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by OjitroC »

sektor2111 wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:13 am If these INT files are too many, they can be renamed to INTU whatever for being ignored and preventing to load memory with useless content ..
Good idea - alternatives to that are to move the .int files to a folder off the UT paths or to simply comment out (;) those parts of the .int that are not required (this is particularly useful where an .int contains references to a number of mutators/gametypes/etc and some but not all are required to be kept).

With reference to UT 469 it would be useful if it incorporated the UT.log truncation feature of Higor's MiniLauncher as this can significantly reduce the size of the UT log.
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Re: Unreal Tournament 469

Post by TheDane »

- New features such as (Non GDPR violating) hardware ID's to be able to ban players for good. E.g. CPU serial number, MotherBoard serialnumbers etc...
- New hardcoded screenshot feature where the screenshot is compressed to png format and handled better than previous attempts, perhaps option to transfer it to custom website/location.

Make it hardcoded into the engine, and make ACE scan if it's hooked from outside - viola, clean games follow :-)

And ofcause a prompt of what/if any personal information that gets logged on server OR shipped to 3rd party like ACE link to UnrealAdmin? Why does ACE resolve Unreal Admin and what data is send/recieved in that traffic? Admins and players needs to know EVERYTHING that goes on, a server admin is FULLY responsible for any data the server is gathering or shipping to 3rd party.