Translator "missing" in game

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Translator "missing" in game

Post by javic »

I'm trying to play Project Xenome: Interloper but the Universal Translator doesn't appear. There's no icon for it at top-right and it never appears on-screen. When I receive a new message, I hear the beep, but the Translator window doesn't appear. And pressing the key I've bound to "Activate translator" has no effect.

I had the same problem when I first tried to play Operation: Na Pali, but reinstalling the mod fixed it. Interloper isn't really installed (i.e., there's no UMOD) so I can't try that here.

Other than this Translator issue, the game and mod are functioning perfectly.

Anybody seen this problem before and/or know how to fix it? (In case you don't know, Interloper can't be played without the Translator because the messages include information needed to progress.)
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Re: Translator "missing" in game

Post by esnesi »

Keybind should be: ActivateTranslator
Have you tried without the space?

Mappack looks very cool incl the hud!
Did not knew this one, thanks for that ^^
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Re: Translator "missing" in game

Post by EvilGrins »

Translator was originally key bound to F2 but that was for Unreal1.

UT99 didn't have it there as default as there's other things in-game that use that same key, so switching it to something else is ideal.

For the record, I've had little luck switching it to other keys. By which I mean I know how to but it doesn't usually work.
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Re: Translator "missing" in game

Post by javic »

Thanks for the replies.

To esnesi: Sorry, mistyped the command in my post. It's correct in the INI file and works properly in other SP mods under Old Skool Amp'd. (And yes it's a very cool mod, as is its predecessor Project Xenome: First Day. :-)

To EvilGrins: I have it bound to my middle mouse button, and also should be able to activate it as an inventory item using the special keys added by Old Skool (which is required to run Interloper). Both of these mechanisms work fine in other SP mods under Old Skool. The "missing translator" problem occurs only with Interloper.
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