
Discussions about GameTypes
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Re: UTRoyale

Post by papercoffee »

Oh that was fast.

You had it already finished in the back right?
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Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:12 am

Re: UTRoyale

Post by a9902957@nepwk.com »

Well, it's just minor code additions as of yet.
Make pathnodes outside of the zone accumulate ExtraCost (even faster when further outside of the zone; this latter bit also added to the MaxDesireability reduction of pickups that already was in, well it already had it there, just in a slightly different way).
And then attempting to set bots on their way to a pathnode within 9536UU from the zone's center when they happen to end up outside of the zone still (some seemingly helpful code for that gleaned from the Apprehension gametype).
It mostly gets the job done (tested it quite a bit on many maps. Still could save some more bots lifes with further improvements). I cannot wait for 469e bringing us this: