Logged in as Admin
About MapVoteX
MapVoteX (MVX) is not only a Mapvoting Tool but also a Server-Controller.
with MVX you can setup a miriad of GameTypes Fully customized and ready for your users to play.
the capacity of which is enormous. for example you can custom build upto 200 individual GameTypes.
each gametype Supports upto 1000 Maps.
you can enable/disable custom Mutators , Actors & Packages to your hearts desire.
we hope that you find it useful.
Proasm & no0ne.
Quickstart Guide
Quick Installation Guide:
Make sure that DM-Tutorial.unr is in /Maps folder.
Point your Server Start Script to load MapVoteX<version>.MapVoteX with the Map = DM-tutorial like so;
Code: Select all
UCC Server DM-tutorial?Game=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus?Mutator=MapVoteX<version>.MapVoteX -lanplay -multihome=192.168.x.x
copy ucc.log servercrash.log
goto 10
Add to
Code: Select all
Start Server.
Open MapVote. If it does not open type !v or !vote
MapVoteX is now installed.
* Note Run it then shutdown and 2 files will spawn;
Code: Select all
MapVoteX.ini <--- Business end of MVX.
MapVoteXM.ini <--- for Customizable Logo's , Splash Screens and DropDown Settings.
** DO NOT enable bEnableServerPackages=True until you have read Advanced Actor/Packages Loading using MVX. below.
Upgrading from previous version of MVX
* Change your Server Startup Scripts to load Mutator=MapVoteX<Version>.MapVoteX
^ see QuickStart Guide for more info.
Open MapVoteX.ini and MapVoteXM.ini
Rename all instances of [MapVoteX<old_version>.ClassName] with [MapVoteX<new_version>.ClassNAme] ie;
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Default Mutators & Default Settings
Code: Select all
custom settings..
Yes correct, but a FragLimit or a GoalTeamscore is not a System option, it is a Game option so therefore cannot be a DefaultSetting.
MVX CustomGameSettings are all GameName orientated where as DefaultSettings are all GameClass orientated (UT Engine).
The following are System Settings although in MVX thay can also be used in Game Settings:
bWeaponStay, Tickrate, Difficulty, Skill, MaxTeams, MaxTeamSize, MaxPlayers, bTournament.
This can be done in MVX simply by prefixing the Mutator with a "-". For example let's say that CustomGame[x] does not need SmartScoreboard to be running although we have it loaded as as DefaultMutator="SmartSB101e.SmartSB".
All we do for CustomGame[x] is Mutators="-SmartSB101e.SmartSB" and it will not run for this GameType
Code: Select all
what you see here (above) is Mutators and Settings which run across the board of any/all CustomGameTypes.
for example: SmartSB101e will run on all 30+ GameTypes we have installed.
Same goes for DefaultSettings which can be useful. These settings will be applied to all GameTypes however within each CustomGame[x]
you have another Settings="" ... This "Settings=" over-rides the Default Settings. you could for example only need bUseTranslocator=True for CTF Games
but not other Games.
By setting in DefaultSettings="bUseTranslocator=false" and only setting to true in CTFGames that means that it will remain off for all other GameTypes.
but activate when CTF is being played. same goes for all other settings , if you have alot of separate GameTypes
you may want to have a Default Settings which looks something like this;
Code: Select all
you may have 2 GameTypes for CTFGame.class , CTFGame[1] & [2]
[1] uses Translocator
[2] uses GrappleHook (only)
if you dont have a DefaultSetting="bUseTranslocator=False" then if/when CTFGame[1] is loaded , it will Set the bUseTranslocator=true to be on in [Botpack.CTFGame]
this will now "Stay on" for all other CTF games including CTFGame[2] which is maybe not what you wanted!.. therefore it pays to Set it as False in DefaultSettings and you dont have to
worry about it being on for all other CTFGame GameTypes!. (hope this is clear).
The Settings that you can set in the DefaultSettings="" and CustomGame[x] Settings="" parameters are from your UT.ini under the following classes;
Code: Select all
*There is also a new Setting Called Tickrate which can be used to adjust the TickRate of Gametypes.
by using Default Settings you can make changes to CustomGame[x] Settings for individual GameTypes only.
customGame[x] settings over-ride DefaultSettings.
Using <Custom Maps Folders> in MVX
which requires only the Map DM-Deck16][
MVX allows for this IF you put ALL your Maps into Custom Folders. it wont work if you leave them all in the Maps Folder.
for example...
Code: Select all
Maps/Favorite (for your personal favourites)
Code: Select all
ie; for The DeathMatch Deck16 Only GameType we would have ;
Code: Select all
Note: Entry.unr and Tutorial.unr must remain present in the current Maps folder.
or MVX will Crash.
XC_Engine and MVX
Code: Select all
Advanced Actor/Package Loading using MVX
simply enable bEnableServerPackages=True for this to take effect.
Start Server.
Any/All Server-Actors/Packages within your UT.ini have now been transferred over to MVX
Code: Select all
note that you can also disable Actors/Packages by preceding them with a semi-colon ";PackageName" or ";ActorName"
what you have just done is enabled Actor/Package Handling.
from here on you can setup MVX to only load specific Actors and/or Packages required for any individual GameTypes.
CustomGame[x] ServerActors="", ServerPackages="" now come into effect.
any Actors or Packages required for any 1 specific GameType can be entered here.
for example SLV (StrangeLove).. this mod has multiple files which total about 10MB's
instead of sending all these files to clients when the server is playing say DeathMatch.
It is better to only send these files to Clients if... the Current GameType being played is SLV right?
This is Where Packages="SLV,SLV1,SLV2" comes in handy.
now only when SLV is being played.. will these files be sent to Clients.
Setting up <Aliases> in MVX
<aliases> must be encompassed within "<" & ">".
<aliases> can be used in DefaultMutators , DefaultSettings , Mutators="", Settings="" , ServerActors="" , ServerPackages="".
They can now be used under DefaultActors or DefaultPackages.
Sample aliases:
Code: Select all
note that at run time the <Aliases> will be replaced by the actual Mutators/Actors/Packages.
ACE1.2e setup using MVX Actor/Package loading
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Ability to disable Default Mutators/Actors/Packages through CustomGame(x)
For instance if you prefer the "ABC_Scoreboard.Scoreboard" mutator to be used with a CustomGame[x] and not the DefaultMutator SmartSB101.SmartSB then you add the SmartSB101.SmartSB to the CustomGame[x] Mutators= with a minus sign '-' infront, like:
Now when Mvx executes the DefaultMutators= and it comes across the SmartSB101.SmartSB, it will not execute it.
Also added this option to the CustomGame[x] ServerActors=
So if you have a DefaultActor=SmartSB101?.SmartSBServerActor and a particular CustomGame[x] requires SSB not to execute it's ServerActor, then in the CostomGame[x] you set ServerActors="-SmartSB101?.SmartSBServerActor"
Ok what you can do now also to make life easier is you can create an Alias of the Actors you don't want to have executed and add that Alias to the CustomGames[x] ServerActors=
For instance CustomGame[20] I do not want SSB or Newnet to run.
CustomGames[20]................... ServerActors="<Act1>"
Ok, added ServerPackages to the above "-" also including Alias
CustomGames[20]................... Mutators="<Mut1>",ServerPackages="<Pack1>", ServerActors="<Act1>"
RandomGame Exclusion from Random Game Vote
this is used if you want to exclude certain GameTypes from being voted for when players hit the "Random Game" vote button. Why you would want to use this?
Let's say that you have 3 Gametypes;
1v1 Domination.
Now your server has 3 Players on it and they all vote "RandomGame".
If 1v1 Domination Wins then 1 player will be forced into spec , which is undesirable. Therefore in this instance you would set under CustomGame[1v1 Domination] bNoRandomGame=True.
Now when "Random Game" is Voted MVX will not choose the Domination Gametype and exclude it from the list of choices (GameTypes) for voting.
Map Limits Extended & GameTypes
500 maps per GameType extended to 1000 per GameType.
100 GameTypes extended to 200 GameTypes.
Server Name Control Functionality
Code: Select all
Once this is Set you should Set the Default Server Name in MVX.ini;
Code: Select all | ( ( ( PSYCHO-SERVERS AUS ) ) )
note in CustomGame[x] at the end of the line the following;
Code: Select all
for example;
Code: Select all
ServerName=" | DeathMatch"
Which describes each of your <=100 pre-configured gametypes that is being played at this moment in time.
This helps players to know what is being played on your Server being a "MultiServer" this is imo a good way of letting them know.
No End Game Voting System
how this works is in MVX.ini you will now have a new option at the end of CustomGame[x] called;
Code: Select all
load a random map after the Countdown Timer has elapsed. This is the setting in MVX.ini. ;
Code: Select all
Note that players can vote for other GameTypes/Maps during a Match so if the random map ends up being the same map
last played for example , then players can vote for a new Map or entirely new GameType.
Also Note that you can setup for example a Deck Only GameType.. where you want MVX to just keep reloading the same Map DM-Deck16][ "over and over"
with bNoEndGameVoting=True and DM-Deck16][ in its own Folder ie; "Maps/Deck" , then MVX will know that there is only 1 map for the GameType and
will continuously Reload this Map at GameEnd... After NoEndGameVotingDelay=40 has expired ofc.
New Bot !Commands added
Code: Select all
!addbot (adds 1 bot to server)
!addbots (adds 2 bots to server)
!maxbots (adds bots upto MaxPlayers())
!killbot (renmoves 1 bot from Server)
!killbots (Removes all bots from Server)
Empty Server Level switching
Code: Select all
however if you set bEmptyServerRandomMap=True then this overrides previous setting and will cycle through Maps in the Current GameType.
For Example if someone went on your server and Voted DeathMatch and left. If bEmptyServerRandomMap=True then the server would automatically load a random map after EmptyServerSwitchTimeMins=10 expires.
Activating GameTypes through Admin info Tab.
In MVX you can turn on and off Active GameTypes through the info tab when logged in as admin.
Code: Select all
* = Active Game
the ones with an *Asterix next to them are Currently enabled GameTypes.
to activate/deactivate speciffic GameTypes you simply select them in the Menu (1 at a time) and click on the Submit Button.
Now for changes to take effect you need to switch maps (do a level switch). Ta-Daa your GameTypes you Selected are now either Active or Inactive
depending what you selected.
also Note:
Code: Select all
Set Default Game
Fixed MIPS=Off on logo
Added total mapnum to menu title.
Added logo during game vote.
Changes to 111f
Removed fullsize GameList in Vote window.
Changes to 111e
Fixed left side title not bold.
Fixed map/game search text not showing.
Changed required games to 20 for full size.
Changes to 111d
Removed Refresh and Vote Status buttons.
Added auto map update in map window.
Increased Games to 200.
Revamped Vote window.
Changes to 111c
Fixed several Accessed Nones.
Tidy up Mutator, Settings and packages when remarked out.
Removed warning messages if first char = !
Added in CustomGames bNoRandomGame.
Added switch to default map if no votes in CoopGame.
Incresed maps to 1000.
Changes to 110
Added fix for splash logos and messages.
Added splash logo at logon during game also.
Added bAllowSplashInGame for splashlogo in game.
Added Display for number of maps loaded.
Added Admin Tickrate slider in Menu.
Fixed bEmptyServerRandomMap if current map is default map.
Fixed Splash zoom during game.
Changes to 109
Added adjusting emptyserverlevelswitch for a minimum of 3 minutes.
Added back to original bEmptyServerSwitch for empty server switch.
bEmptyServerSwitchMap to switch to default map on current game.
bEmptyServerRandomMap switches to random maps on current game.
Added !AddBots which adds 2 bots at a time.
Added !MaxBots for add Bots between Maxplayers-Minplayers-NumBots
Added If Admin then all !Add, !Kill and !Max works immediatley.
Changes to 108
Fixed default map/game switching.
Added bClearAllPackageActors to clear packages before writing.
Added Mutate MapvoteX ClearPackages
Changes to 107d
Added if 1 map, end game says reloading if bNoEndGameVoting=True.
Added if only 1 player then !KillBots and !AddBot works ok.
Added !KillBot to only kill one Bot.
Removed bEnableEmptyServerSwitch.
Added bEmptyServerSwitchMap to replace above for default map.
Added bEmptyServerRandomMap to add to bEmptyServerSwitchMap.
Added Made StealthAdmin compatible.
Changes to 107c
Added LoadedMapNum if 1 then auto restart.
Added !KillBots message only if MinPlayers > 2
Added !AddBot vote for 2 players.
Extended !KillBots and !AddBot vote time to 60 seconds.
Added kill logo if game starts
Changes to 107b
Fixed random map selected as topmap.
Added horizontal scrollbars to top games and maps.
Changes to 107a
Fixed FragLimit and GoalTeamScore in Settings.
Removed Maintenance mode stuff.
Added NoEndGameVotingDelay for bNoEndGameVoting.
Added Reset Server Button in Admin menu.
Added Message if !v when bNoEndGameVoting = True.
Added Player to Spectator if idle.
Added bUseSendToSpec and IdleKickTime for above.
Added Admin option for Idler to Spectator in menu.
Added Admin option for bNoEndGameVoting in current game.
Added 30 Top Games and 100 Top Maps for information.
Added Display for Top stuff with 1/2 delete buttons for Admin.
Added Remove Bots button to Vote Menu.
Added logon !KillBots message.
Fixed Random map votes.
Changes to 106y
Removed auto menu scaling.
Fixed bNoEndGameVoting.
Changes to 106x
Added bEndGameVoting to CustomGames Settings.
Added horiz scrollbar to messages.
Added Autoscale to menus.
Added !KillBots by 2 players in chat kills all bots.
Fixed 436/451 map switch crash.
Changes to 106w
Added bAddToFavorites at game end.
Changes to 106v
Fixed Splashlogo not working.
Changes to 106u
Fixed Customgame sorting issue. you can login to MVX as an Admin and click "info tab" > [Sort custom Games]
this will sort any/all custom games inside MapVoteX.ini into AlphaNumeric order.
Removed all MapVoteClientSplash except one. see {MapVoteXM.ini}
Removed all MapVoteClientWelcome except one. {MapVoteXM.ini}
Removed AdminLogins (created UTLogins). {this will be moved to a StandAlone Mod freeing up system resources}
Changes to 106t
Added ServerNameTitle as prefix.
Added admin option to set games active on/off.
Added CustomGame ini sorting option in Info menu.
Added extra info to UserLogin tab including , ut version , renderer , sound driver etc.
Changes to 106s
Added MaxPlayers to settings.
Changes to 106r
Removed Pause from config window.
Fixed bWeaponStay
Fixed Repeat Limits.
Changes to 106q
Added bDisableMvxLogo to disables the MapVoteX logo.
Added Mvx start text if bDisableMvxLogo=True.
Changes to 106p
Added DM-MapvoteX.unr for Mod menu startup.
Added local practice session no longer needs tutorial map.
Added bUseServerNames which effects all server names.
Changes to 106o
Changes to 106n
Added TDM maxteams=4 if Dom = 4.
Stopped MVGRI = None in Logins.
Fixed double iptocountry reports.
Fixed double Ace console reports.
Changes to 106m
Removed TotalMapsPerGame.
MaxNumMaps fixed at 500.
No server packages or actors if standalone.
Added ';' remark out in game package actors.
Adjusted to 300 ServerPackages / 200 ServerActors.
Use DM-Tutorial to initialize MVX.
Changes to 106k
1. Double clicking a Vote now works if bDoubleClickVoting=True (default)
2. Decreased CustomGame ServerPackages from 175 to 150
3. Decreased CustomGame ServerActors from 175 to 150
4. Increased DefaultPackages from 75 to 100
5. Increased DefaultActors from 75 to 100
6. Loads default mutators last
7. Added -Mutator to CustomGame Mutators= to remove mutator from DefaultMutators
8. Added -ServerActor to CustomGame ServerActors= to remove ServerActor from DefaultActors
9. Added -ServerPackages to CustomGame ServerPackages= to remove ServerPackage from Defaultpackages
10. Added -Mutator, - ServerPackage and -ServerActor to Alias
Changes to 106a to 106j
1. Added server restart button.
2. Updated to UT patch 469.
3. Fixed ] character in menu caching options.
4. Enlarged menu to 405 x 390 to fit stretched textures nicely.
5. Put stretch back in welcome.
6. Added imagebox to welcome.
7. Added splash extra fade.
8. Seperate submit buttons for defgame and caching.
9. Worked a lot on setting up the Welcome image for 469.
10. Added Tickrate to settings.
11. Menu logins now display last in at top.
12. Revamped client windows GPF crashing.
13. Revert back to use map prefixes.
14. Removed votemenu file counter.
15. Added back servername per game.
16. Removed MvxServerName.
17. Removed MaxCachingSpeed.
18. Added maxplayers to vote menu.
19. Add random Game option.
Added Setting for Tickrate=x
Removed Caching Methods maps load faster now.
**Any Questions please feel free to ask.