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Post by OjitroC »

I recently downloaded the Tallyho gametype/mut having never tried it before but it won't run. I get the following error in the log

Code: Select all

ScriptLog: Add mutator _oWo_TallyHo_104a.TallyHo
Log: Failed import: Class Class UnrealShare.BigRock (file ../System/UnrealShare.u)
Warning: Failed to load 'MonstersDemo2': Can't find Class in file 'Class UnrealShare.BigRock'
Warning: Failed to load '_Owo_tallyhopkg_104a': Can't find Class in file 'Class UnrealShare.BigRock'
Warning: Failed to load '_oWo_TallyHo_104a': Can't find Class in file 'Class UnrealShare.BigRock'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class _oWo_TallyHo_104a.TallyHo': Can't find Class in file 'Class UnrealShare.BigRock'
This is odd since, as far as I can tell, there is no BIgRock in Unreal.Share but there is in UnrealI.u. So what's going on here?
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Re: Tallyho

Post by EvilGrins »

It runs fine on my system, I've had it since it first came out... though I don't play it much.

Mostly hung onto it so I could use monsters from it in map edits.
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Re: Tallyho

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 3:59 pm It runs fine on my system, I've had it since it first came out... though I don't play it much.

Mostly hung onto it so I could use monsters from it in map edits.
TBH my main interest is also the monsters but I can only use the ones from MonstersDemo1.u as this is not dependent on anything else from the mod.

So do you have BigRock in your UnrealShare?

SOLVED!! ______________________________________

There are two versions of TallyHo around - I have downloaded the earlier version (the one without MonstersDemo1 and MonstersDemo2) and it works fine.

Loading the previous version I tried into UEd I found that MonstersDemo2.u contains errors - the UEd log indicated that several classes were broken and the .u file needed to be recompiled.

So the monsters from MonstersDemo1.u are useable, as are those in _oWo_TallyHoPkg_104a.u, independently of the Tallyho mod itself.
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Re: Tallyho

Post by EvilGrins »

Okay, looks like you figured it out. Was hoping you would before I got home from work.

For what it's worth, my .log showed no errors (popped in real quick to check) and BigRock for me is listed under Unreali.u and not the UnrealShare.u file.
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Re: Tallyho

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Sat May 16, 2020 1:18 am Okay, looks like you figured it out. Was hoping you would before I got home from work.

For what it's worth, my .log showed no errors (popped in real quick to check) and BigRock for me is listed under Unreali.u and not the UnrealShare.u file.
Yes, thanks for that.

Actually I found that it's possible just to play against the monsters spawned by the mod and you don't have to have the teams suggested in the readme - it produces a rather frantic game but it's fun for a while anyway and something slightly different.
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Re: Tallyho

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

UnrealI was separated at some point into UnrealShare intended for the shareware version that never came out, instead there was the OEM Special Edition which is similar but not the same. It separated during the 220 period when also Unreal: Tournament Edition was meant to come out with botpack as an addon and also not to forget that most of unreal psx was developed on 220.

But this means there were hacks in place like package remap. Perhaps the package remap was not included properly in your config file. This will cause problems with mods and maps if that's so. But then again if it complains about UnrealShare not having that that is indeed strange unless it was in some odd version part of UnrealShare. Or really the remap was confused and switched around?

The package remap is also not perfect if there is a reference for example in a decoration settings. For example skytown's chest of unreali.flakcannon became null instead in the contents, some sound references like passage gets cleared on runtime for the pool water sounds and some defaulttextures in nalic like the book or the elevator which used the wooden barrel texture. But directly placed classes it remaps/converts just fine.

You can actually specify any package to package remap in the config files, this can be useful for converting things and I often forget this myself.
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Re: Tallyho

Post by OjitroC »

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:44 pm Perhaps the package remap was not included properly in your config file.
I've got 'UnrealShare=UnrealI' which is OK as the package remapping works fine looking at BigRock in each of the editors I have. The problem stemmed, I think, from a broken version of Tallyho.
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Re: Tallyho

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

It doesnt make sense though why it would look for that, but what if you set it to UnrealI=UnrealShare instead, not sure if that has any effect but maybe they did it that way and broke it or they had really a version of unrealshare with that in it. I know the ps2 ut had some changes in that hence why I had to do some extra effort converting some of the raw map files I receieved even though those nmaps had practically no difference in practice.