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Hellscrag's DOM/DM-HomeTown (Pan'thali Haven)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:33 am
by EvilGrins
Link with download:
Screenshots and my BRIEF review




It's a big map but doesn't seem to bog down the memory unless you're somewhere you can see a lot of the map, in-between buildings and inside them where most of the action takes place that isn't much of an issue.




Bots seem to handle the map well, they go everywhere. Looks pretty well covered at that level.
Addendum: Pathing that works great for DOM doesn't work as well for DM. There's a number of spots bots get hung up on, or just stay in one spot (which works fine when guarding a control point) until someone kills them.

Re: Hellscrag's DOM/DM-HomeTown (Pan'thali Haven)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:15 pm
by OjitroC
An impressive piece of design - has a real sense of place - more than most maps, I felt that it should really have people walking and sitting around to bring it to life. Very easy to see its origins.

Not sure how it would play as a DM map, given its size and the relative complexity of spaces - probably suits a particular form of gameplay. Can certainly see how it could work fairly well as a DOM map. I only briefly tried it out but it works fine for what I play, dropping some monsters in to hunt down via MonsterSpawn.

Nice that Hellscrag put it out there to be enjoyed :gj: and thanks to EG for the link.

Re: Hellscrag's DOM/DM-HomeTown (Pan'thali Haven)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:59 pm
by SteadZ
For context (to those who can't be bothered to visit the UnrealSP thread) this map was originally designed as the opening map for the Battle for Na Pali single player mod which sadly ended up being shelved several years ago. It was a peaceful Nali town set in the mountains in which you would wake up and explore the town before setting off on an errand set by your Nali friend which would take you into the next map (which coincidentally has also been recently released in a re-purposed form, check out this link here for more info:
It's a bit of a shame that this map ended up being retrofitted into a domination/deathmatch map, but at least it is out there for us to enjoy in all of its glory - not to mention the wealth of new textures it comes with which were also created for BfNP by McFarrel.