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TeamSpeak 3 Server

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 6:14 pm
by LoGic
Hi everyone, I am a new member on the server. I realize that a lot of people use discord today, but if there are any of you who still like old school teamspeak like me feel free to join my ts3 server. I opened it up for many gamers to join and play any game they want with their friends/teammates in peace. I am a very big fan of Unreal Tournament 99, I remember watching my brother play a lot and I just feel in love with the game and their matches. His nickname was panda, he used to play with people like TNT^, s1, session, bleh etc. He was in Jalla clan for a short amount of time and was a decent player, he is the one responsible for my love for the game. I was never as good as him, but I still play it to this day for fun. Anyway, if you wanna join my teamspeak so we can play and hang out, the ip is

P.S I apologize if I posted this in the wrong section of the forum so if needed I would kindly ask the moderators to move it :)