I've known about this a long time but I'd never played it before yesterday.
Fairly basic situation: There's 2 goals, 1 for each team. Listed as Red & Blue. Players knock the ball around and into the goals.

It's fairly basic soccer, or futbol for those that call it that.
· Even though there's only 2 teams the game loads up all 4 team colors, and there's nothing in the setup to limit it to 2 teams.

If you have 8 players, 4 of them are on the green and yellow teams. 4 players, 2 are on green and yellow.
There's not a lot to configure with, and it doesn't generate an .ini file to fix manually. Haven't looked yet to see if it put something in the User.ini file.
· There are no weapons, so also no transloc. Which isn't a bad thing, per se... except when the ball goes somewhere that you can't easily access it.

· I've tested the game with bots but they don't seem to have a clear idea what to do with the ball. More often than not, when a score is made it's often by a bot on the wrong team.