Savage Land Demo Released

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Must run in UT99 or with Oldskool Amp'd.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

OjitroC wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:34 am What's the Cabin Bypass Key near the end of the first Demo level for?

How do you get the Driftwood Crossbow as the door to the room it is in is always locked, even right towards the end?
After the locker room fight, the Cabin Bypass Key opens Doctor Strugger's cabin and the Unlisted Cabin. The Unlisted Cabin is where the Driftwood is found. You can double back by heading down the hallway where the dead automag guy is. After the last enemy is dead the vent will blow out and you can climb the crates to get back up.
OjitroC wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:34 am The Light Bringer's primary fire is very accurate in long distance shots (basically shots go where the red dot/crosshair is) but at short range it is not so accurate, with shots going well to the lower right of the red dot/crosshair. Also for some reason the primary fire is remarkably ineffective against pupae as short range, perhaps because they seem to get under carcasses and so the shots don't hit them.
I'll look into this. I'm curious as to if its unique to the Lightbringer with the close range off center shooting. Thanks :thuup:
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by OjitroC »

mister_prophet wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:23 am After the locker room fight, the Cabin Bypass Key opens Doctor Strugger's cabin and the Unlisted Cabin. The Unlisted Cabin is where the Driftwood is found. You can double back by heading down the hallway where the dead automag guy is. After the last enemy is dead the vent will blow out and you can climb the crates to get back up.
Oh, I see - yes I saw the crates and open hatch and went back up for a while but wasn't sure how far to go or what I was looking for.
mister_prophet wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:23 am I'll look into this. I'm curious as to if its unique to the Lightbringer with the close range off center shooting. Thanks :thuup:
No it's not unique. Here's a few screenshots of testing the Driftwood Crossbow, which can be lethal but which is also pretty inaccurate - the sshots look a bit dark but are brighter when clicked on.

First, there's something odd about the collision of the bolts as you can see here in the locker room - a bolt that I had fired earlier and which is well clear of the locker it should be embedded in

Next a short/medium range series of shots, again in the locker room, with the bolts well to the bottom right of the crosshair

Lastly, a very close range series of shots, not that one would normally do that of course
---------------------- UPDATE --------------------------
Having tried out all the other weapons in first demo level, I find that they all have the same inaccuracy - firing to the bottom right of the red dot/crosshair - so not clear why that is.

I went quickly into the first map of Zephon (in UT 469 Oldskool) and picked up the Automag and Stinger (plus already having the DP) - I would say that these weapons in Savage Land are somewhat less accurate - the ones in Zephon fired a little lower and to the right of the red dot/crosshair but not as pronounced as in Savage Land.

Summoned into a UT DM map, the Driftwood Crossbow shows the same degree of inaccuracy whilst the defaut UT weapons display the degree of accuracy one would expect depending on the weapon. A curiosity is that if one picks up a shot bolt it wil respawn in the location it landed. Another curiosity is that summoning the SavagePackage.SavageAutomag results in the appearance of an Enforcer, albeit one with a higher rate of fire.

Just something to note really - at the start of the 2nd level - having dealt with the pupae, found the key card, opened the bars and dealt with the brute - go through to the room beyond, through the doors and in the rectangular room, to the left there's a box marked Danger in front of a hatch - looks fairly obvious one has to blow this up - I did with the altfire of the Light Bringer but, though there was some kind of flash explosion, the box and the hatch remained intact - so the alfire of the LightBringer doesn't blow it.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

OjitroC wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:42 am
No it's not unique. Here's a few screenshots of testing the Driftwood Crossbow, which can be lethal but which is also pretty inaccurate - the sshots look a bit dark but are brighter when clicked on.

First, there's something odd about the collision of the bolts as you can see here in the locker room - a bolt that I had fired earlier and which is well clear of the locker it should be embedded in

Next a short/medium range series of shots, again in the locker room, with the bolts well to the bottom right of the crosshair

Lastly, a very close range series of shots, not that one would normally do that of course

---------------------- UPDATE --------------------------
Having tried out all the other weapons in first demo level, I find that they all have the same inaccuracy - firing to the bottom right of the red dot/crosshair - so not clear why that is.

I went quickly into the first map of Zephon (in UT 469 Oldskool) and picked up the Automag and Stinger (plus already having the DP) - I would say that these weapons in Savage Land are somewhat less accurate - the ones in Zephon fired a little lower and to the right of the red dot/crosshair but not as pronounced as in Savage Land.

Summoned into a UT DM map, the Driftwood Crossbow shows the same degree of inaccuracy whilst the defaut UT weapons display the degree of accuracy one would expect depending on the weapon. A curiosity is that if one picks up a shot bolt it wil respawn in the location it landed. Another curiosity is that summoning the SavagePackage.SavageAutomag results in the appearance of an Enforcer, albeit one with a higher rate of fire.
That's some interesting results. I'll admit I haven't really noticed most of the inaccuracies on my end (been playing lately in Unreal Gold. Perhaps a fresh UT test is necessary). I'll go over it with my gun guy and see if we get get a thorough replication of the issues. Thanks for pointing these out. :thuup:
OjitroC wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:42 am Just something to note really - at the start of the 2nd level - having dealt with the pupae, found the key card, opened the bars and dealt with the brute - go through to the room beyond, through the doors and in the rectangular room, to the left there's a box marked Danger in front of a hatch - looks fairly obvious one has to blow this up - I did with the altfire of the Light Bringer but, though there was some kind of flash explosion, the box and the hatch remained intact - so the alfire of the LightBringer doesn't blow it.
Which alt was it? There are three. The Linear Beam, The Crowd Antagonizer, or the Force Blast? If it's the Force Blast I can sort of understand us overlooking this, as it originally was more of a defensive move and maybe while it causes damage to enemies something in how it performs effects triggers. Good catch! As for the automag, that could simply be UT converting Unreal guns and subclasses to UT guns right?
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by OjitroC »

mister_prophet wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:48 am Which alt was it? There are three. The Linear Beam, The Crowd Antagonizer, or the Force Blast? If it's the Force Blast I can sort of understand us overlooking this, as it originally was more of a defensive move and maybe while it causes damage to enemies something in how it performs effects triggers. Good catch! As for the automag, that could simply be UT converting Unreal guns and subclasses to UT guns right?
It was the default altfire so the Linear Beam.

Another progress question - in the second Demo level, I've 'cleared out' the large hold with the Titan, krall, etc - climbed all the piles of boxes and gone into all the side rooms and wandered around everywhere accessible. From the threads on UnrealSP I think I'm looking for some jump boots as there are no doors that can be opened and nothing else at ground level that suggests a way of progressing but there appear to be some walkways and vents that can only be reached by jumping. However I can't find any jump boots.

An aside to that - there is an issue with Unreal jump boots in Oldskool (or may be it's just me that has the isssue) - previous experience indicates that if they are picked up and not used immediately they will simply activate and drain (one doesn't jump but one hears the jump sound and eventually gets the 'jump boots have drained' message). Like I say, I have no idea if it's just an issue with my set up or my configuration of Oldskool or if it's a more widespread problem.

Coming back to Demo Level 1 and the Cabin Bypass Key/Driftwood Crossbow - did I miss a hint/clue that would have told me to go back to those two previously unopenable cabins?
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

OjitroC wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:22 am
Another progress question - in the second Demo level, I've 'cleared out' the large hold with the Titan, krall, etc - climbed all the piles of boxes and gone into all the side rooms and wandered around everywhere accessible. From the threads on UnrealSP I think I'm looking for some jump boots as there are no doors that can be opened and nothing else at ground level that suggests a way of progressing but there appear to be some walkways and vents that can only be reached by jumping. However I can't find any jump boots.

An aside to that - there is an issue with Unreal jump boots in Oldskool (or may be it's just me that has the isssue) - previous experience indicates that if they are picked up and not used immediately they will simply activate and drain (one doesn't jump but one hears the jump sound and eventually gets the 'jump boots have drained' message). Like I say, I have no idea if it's just an issue with my set up or my configuration of Oldskool or if it's a more widespread problem.
To get all six nodes (you only need four to complete the level) you will have to find a pair of jump boots in the area with the steam using the asbestos suit. There is a dead guy with a flare just below the spot you have to jump to. The Boots are difficulty filtered and will appear in different spots in the steam (there is also another node in the bottom basement area, just before cold storage). I typically suggest clearing out all the enemies before getting the boots and making a jump. Getting to the upper vent will open a side door in case you fall on the way so you ONLY need to make one jump.

As for Oldskool settings, I'm not too sure how it handles boots. But default Unreal boots DO begin to drain upon obtaining them, which means this sequence of the level has to be done in one shot or you cannot acquire that node. Again, you only need four nodes to complete the level and this is the only one you can miss if you do not use the boots properly. For the demo, anyway. I've already expressed interest in changing this sequence up a bit in the final version since it seems the jump boot puzzle is not popular.
OjitroC wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:22 am
Coming back to Demo Level 1 and the Cabin Bypass Key/Driftwood Crossbow - did I miss a hint/clue that would have told me to go back to those two previously unopenable cabins?
Both doors (the doctor's and the unlisted one) both give unique messages and sounds upon attempting to access, similarly to Davenport's cabin down the hall (that uses his keycard after the mess hall fight). These are the only doors in the level to offer both a message AND a sound response from the ship's computer informing you about their condition. Other locked doors simply offer a computer voice sound or do not react whatsoever. I think what I could to further improve the differences is to only add door lights to those that CAN be unlocked.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by OjitroC »

mister_prophet wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:08 pm To get all six nodes (you only need four to complete the level) you will have to find a pair of jump boots in the area with the steam using the asbestos suit. .. As for Oldskool settings, I'm not too sure how it handles boots. But default Unreal boots DO begin to drain upon obtaining them ......
First, thanks for the replies.

I see, so the jumpboots draining is nothing to do with Oldskool - they seem to drain quickly but presumably do so in Unreal as well. A bit weird as I think they drain whether selected or not which doesn't apply to other stuff.
mister_prophet wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:08 pm Both doors (the doctor's and the unlisted one) both give unique messages and sounds upon attempting to access, similarly to Davenport's cabin down the hall (that uses his keycard after the mess hall fight). These are the only doors in the level to offer both a message AND a sound response from the ship's computer informing you about their condition. Other locked doors simply offer a computer voice sound or do not react whatsoever. I think what I could to further improve the differences is to only add door lights to those that CAN be unlocked.
I see - thing is by the time I've got to the end, I've forgotten what doors make what sounds or give messages. What I'm really trying to say is there any indication that, having cleared out the locker room, I should go back up all the way to where I came from as having explored the locker room I've found a door that opens and I could be forgiven for thinking that the Key opens something beyond that door (of course, once I go through that door I find it's the 'door' to the next level), especially as the Key is placed just before one enters the locker room. I know there's the pile of boxes at the end of one corridor and an open hatch - but having come across that previously in the 'dining' room it's possible to think that this duct is some alternative way into the locker room that I didn't find before.

I did go some way up the duct but finding out where it was going I thought that I probably shouldn't be going back this far. I suppose you could elaborate on the pickup message for the Cabin Bypass Key to make it clear what it opens.

------------------ UPDATE ------------------------
Finished!! Enjoyed it, will go back in a short while and do it on a higher difficulty. Looking in the Editor, I seem to have missed some areas but still picked up the four cores necessary to escape.

So looking for forward to more 'episodes' and a fleshing out of the story perhaps.

The new weapons:
The Light Bringer : this fits in well with the overall ambience; used it quite a lot but didn't get a chance to use the upgrade. Liked the default altfire particularly for turning purpae into bits; not quite sure how much the altfire upgrade would be used if one has a flak cannon for example but, of course, useful to have if one doesn't.
The Stinger : the red explosive ammo is very effective and, for me, this weapon took over to a large extent from the automag, so a nice touch there.
The Driftwood Crossbow : effective for sniping (if one allows for the inherent inaccuracy) and given that the SavageRifle doesn't seem to have a zoom then this becomes more important. Not sure about its efficacy at closer range given its inaccuracy, did try to use it quite a bit but found it difficult against quick moving opponents as it used too much ammo - other weapons are more effective at close range.
The Savage Automag : the rapid altfire is very useful, especially at close range where it can be used instead of the altfire of the red tarydium firing Stinger because of the potential for splash damage from the latter.

Note : for some reason picking up the asbestos suit before entering the 'steam' reduces the armour count, which is a bit annoying - perhaps it does in Unreal anyway, can't remember.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

OjitroC wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:50 pm
Finished!! Enjoyed it, will go back in a short while and do it on a higher difficulty. Looking in the Editor, I seem to have missed some areas but still picked up the four cores necessary to escape.

So looking for forward to more 'episodes' and a fleshing out of the story perhaps.

The new weapons:
The Light Bringer : this fits in well with the overall ambience; used it quite a lot but didn't get a chance to use the upgrade. Liked the default altfire particularly for turning purpae into bits; not quite sure how much the altfire upgrade would be used if one has a flak cannon for example but, of course, useful to have if one doesn't.
The Stinger : the red explosive ammo is very effective and, for me, this weapon took over to a large extent from the automag, so a nice touch there.
The Driftwood Crossbow : effective for sniping (if one allows for the inherent inaccuracy) and given that the SavageRifle doesn't seem to have a zoom then this becomes more important. Not sure about its efficacy at closer range given its inaccuracy, did try to use it quite a bit but found it difficult against quick moving opponents as it used too much ammo - other weapons are more effective at close range.
The Savage Automag : the rapid altfire is very useful, especially at close range where it can be used instead of the altfire of the red tarydium firing Stinger because of the potential for splash damage from the latter.

Note : for some reason picking up the asbestos suit before entering the 'steam' reduces the armour count, which is a bit annoying - perhaps it does in Unreal anyway, can't remember.

Hey I'm glad you enjoyed the Demo :thuup: Now all I can say is that if you attempt NG+, good luck :rock:

The gun feedback we've received in general has been really helpful. Going to see about rounding some of the rougher edges for the final versions. One last note about the asbestos suit and the steam. The steam area is the section in map 2 where you open the glass door to the room with the white hazardous fog. In that area as well as certain other "heat" zones, the asbestos suit should not be taking damage from the environment.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

Important update!

It has come to our attention that players attempting to load the new guns on UT Online (or possibly COOP through UT) will have issues with those weapons not working properly. We are working on a solution (seems to stem from oldskool and the UT tournament weapon class). Since it was internal testing where this cropped up and not from people playing the demo, I suppose people have not been trying the Demo much outside of UT Singleplayer, heh. But if you do and you notice it, it is known.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by OjitroC »

A note on the SavageKrall - when summoned into maps or used with MonsterSpawn there is this error in the log :
SavageKrall0 (Function SavagePackage.SavageKrall.PlayWaiting:023D) LoopAnim: Sequence 'Twirl' not found in Mesh 'SavageLandsKrall'.

The 'Twirl' sounds can be heard when that anim should be playing. I don't recall if I saw this error when playing the demo.

The other thing I noticed is that parts of the skin/mesh are 'see through' as indicated
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

Yes the pawn is unfinished. I do believe I made a notation in the readme about being wary about using or spawning these guys for now. If you want to use the proper skin it is the one in the main texture package that has the pink boundaries for the masking at least.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by OjitroC »

mister_prophet wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:26 pm Yes the pawn is unfinished. I do believe I made a notation in the readme about being wary about using or spawning these guys for now.
You did indeed - apologies for raising something you are already aware of. Thanks for the info on the skin - will give it a try.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by OjitroC » wrote:In terms of what Frost means as a new hurdle the player has to overcome; In addition to being wary of poisons the player can become cold or stumble onto inhospitable temperatures that can effect their mobility ...
This sounds interesting - look forward to encountering that at some point!

I've often thought that there are few maps in which the player suffers any 'environmental' damage (beyond the obvious from lava, slime or other similar hazards). I did come across one where there was radiation damage from a leaking container in one particular area but can't think of any others. So adding Frost damage in specific locations will add another dimension to the Savage Lands experience.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

OjitroC wrote: Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:15 pm

This sounds interesting - look forward to encountering that at some point!

I've often thought that there are few maps in which the player suffers any 'environmental' damage (beyond the obvious from lava, slime or other similar hazards). I did come across one where there was radiation damage from a leaking container in one particular area but can't think of any others. So adding Frost damage in specific locations will add another dimension to the Savage Lands experience.
We'll see how far into environmental hazards we get. I'm wary about overdoing it of course, heh, since I don't want to turn Unreal into a Survival Game genre. Frost really came around from us thinking of ways to make the environment harsher, but what ended up happening is that the Heat Proxy actor is pretty versatile on its own. It not only gave me some ideas for some puzzles but also some ideas for other "proxy" triggers we might use.

Anyway, I can repost some screenshots of new inventory items we've already incorporated that have been displayed on our home threads at UnrealSP.Org:


^Lot of new adjustments to the two Demo levels to improve the layout and other things.


^Stackable inventory has been incorporated into the game, such as these Forcefields.



^Pathfinder seeds added, Additional lightsource help as well as active breadcrumbs the player can use if they get lost. Not as effective as a flare but they last forever.


^Survivalist Satchel. Allows for many inventory items to be given via a single pickup. Need a bunch of flares?


^New ailments means more inventory to combat them. Bleak seeds sprout new Nali Fruit Trees that can cure Poison.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

Been awhile since I posted. We've made a ton of progress to the code and look of campaign, including a bunch of new enemy updates and weapon changes:


New Nali Wolf ^




New adjustments to the Eightball ^
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by papercoffee »

What does that animation mean?
Is the 8-ball locked on a target?