Some minor media updates for Savage Land.
I am hoping that after the holiday clears up I can put more time into mapping. I would like to release a second, larger Demo in 2023 that might be more like an Episode in size (the first 9 maps). If all goes well you all will hear about it in early 2023. Otherwise, enjoy some gifs of the new crosshair for the Driftwood Crossbow:
To describe what you are seeing, the targeting system of the Driftwood is being approached to give the player more obvious cues. One thing I noticed on watching some streams of the demo (for those of you that actually found the damn thing) is that there was a lack of understanding for the weapon's strengths.
In Savage Land, the Driftwood Crossbow will have the unique ability to cause critical injury in a way much of the early arsenal will not. Players will be encouraged to "trace" targets for weaknesses. Usually this means the headshot, or in the case of wildlife most anywhere as the Crossbow will be ideal for routing non-advanced creatures one might find out in the Na Pali badlands. Even ill-equipped players might find that they can stand toe to toe with Titans if they use one of these correctly.