Savage Land Demo Released

Maps, mods and resources ported from or to Unreal.
Must run in UT99 or with Oldskool Amp'd.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

The animation shows the chambering of the rockets and goes red when full. The lock-ons will be done similarly to Unreal, but now we will have multiple retinas for each locked target. So up to 6 of the red crosshairs flying around the screen for individual targets that are being tracked until the player decides to release the fire button (the Eightball loads can be held much like the UT Biorifle Alt). We also improved tracking a bit too.

EDITED: Sometimes showing says more :)

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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

Been neglecting this thread here, thought I'd post some media that's been circulating on the Unreal SP discord and the forums:

















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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Looks amazing.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

Some minor media updates for Savage Land.

I am hoping that after the holiday clears up I can put more time into mapping. I would like to release a second, larger Demo in 2023 that might be more like an Episode in size (the first 9 maps). If all goes well you all will hear about it in early 2023. Otherwise, enjoy some gifs of the new crosshair for the Driftwood Crossbow:



To describe what you are seeing, the targeting system of the Driftwood is being approached to give the player more obvious cues. One thing I noticed on watching some streams of the demo (for those of you that actually found the damn thing) is that there was a lack of understanding for the weapon's strengths.

In Savage Land, the Driftwood Crossbow will have the unique ability to cause critical injury in a way much of the early arsenal will not. Players will be encouraged to "trace" targets for weaknesses. Usually this means the headshot, or in the case of wildlife most anywhere as the Crossbow will be ideal for routing non-advanced creatures one might find out in the Na Pali badlands. Even ill-equipped players might find that they can stand toe to toe with Titans if they use one of these correctly.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by OjitroC »

Yeah, that targetting system looks really cool - great design and colours of the 'crosshair'.

Looking forward to the forthcoming 'Episode' - a nine map Episode is pretty impressive (so what's the overall size of Savage Lands or has that not been finalised yet?).

Presumably it will run in OldSkool on 469c?
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

Overall campaign length is not final but we will have a good amount. 18-24, possibly more. Possibly less (I may shorten the last arc of levels if it takes too long).

Target platforms are still Unreal 226/227, UT99 436/469 via Oldskool. Depending on how current events pan out with Epic and Unreal legacy games I'm hopeful that we can remain flexible.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

Been a bit. Sorry for the neglect here on the UT99 forums. I always appreciate the community here. I've had some new media up during the summer on the UnrealSP discord and I post when I can on our Moddb page. Some new levels have been added to development. We've entertained a 2nd demo for a while now but we have no current target on the size or release window for that. If we were to do one I would want to have a significant sized portion, bordering on an episode sized chunk of levels. I will do better to post our updates here.




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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Another great SP mod I'm looking forward to try out! :thuup:
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by Rubie »

Hey everyone,

Are there downloads online from last updates , I must say I discovered this demo today while browsing maps I downloaded recently, I do see there are several map names from this demo like for example:


A map that point to the first map SLentry2.unr -> SL-Demo-M1NGPlus

so My question = is it to early to use those maps on servers ?

If yet there are updates please let me know .


btw. great JOB !!
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by AlCapowned »

Hi Rubie! If you’re hosting in Unreal the maps will work fine, but the UT version has a major bug with the weapons that stop them from working online.

If I remember right, the NGPlus maps are different versions of Map1 and Map2 that you unlock by collecting all the power cores in regular Map2. I think they would work online if the same conditions are met as in single player.

There haven’t been any released updates yet and I’m not sure when the next release will be, but work is ongoing.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by Rubie »

Okay THX for the information , but I (we) wont host unfinished work , we did got huge problems with stuff like this in the past, the Web is as fast as hell and peoples use unfinished scripts or packages to create maps with it finally we stay with version mismatches and we want really avoid this , I think WIP should stay in a private environment till it is finally ended and done, of course i not give orders here it is just I wanted to have the right information to know what we should do and in this case Waiting is the best option !


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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

Hi Rubie,

So to clarify some things, the current demo is composed of the first two levels from the campaign. But as you have stated there are four .unrs in the zip. SavageLand-Demo-Map1 and SavageLand-Demo-Map2 are the intended order of maps with a playable intermission map titled SLentry2 that loads when the demo is completed. The two subsequent levels (SL-Demo-M1NGPlus and SL-Demo-M2NGPlus) load after the intermission level is completed and are New Game Plus versions of the normal demo levels with new enemy and item arrangements that are meant to be harder.

None of these .unr names will appear in the final campaign or any following Demos we might release. These names are unique to that particular release from February 2021. The only updates you should be cautious of is that the custom code packages used in the system folder have been worked on considerably since that demo release. There are as of yet no other public versions of this demo. However, when a the second demo or final release do come out this will effectively render the initial demo obsolete and we will likely remove any links at that time.
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Re: Savage Land Demo Released

Post by mister_prophet »

Some recent media I uploaded elsewhere but neglected to post here, sorry guys :facepalm:




