After that you release AltFire button does not matter. Zoom will still increase to end.
This happen because of call PlayAltFiring(); in code:
Code: Select all
simulated function bool ClientAltFire (float Value)
return True;
Code: Select all
state Zooming
simulated function Tick (float DeltaTime)
if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire == 0 )
if ( (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None) && PlayerPawn(Owner).Player.IsA('Viewport') )
Unfortunately this things complete clients sided, so can not be fixed by conformed MonsterHunt.u on server.
As possible fix it can be mutator which replace weapon to subclassed one, where PlayAltFiring() does nothing.
Anyway if from server conformed MonsterHunt.u not fix problem, on client it solve problem: Feel free use it for ride of this annoying bug.
Based on my rebuild MH: viewtopic.php?p=121603#p121603