Steele Dawn

Maps, mods and resources ported from or to Unreal.
Must run in UT99 or with Oldskool Amp'd.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by JimmyCognitti »

Que wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 8:32 amThis is OT but are the two guys experiencing an Orgasm in your sig? :wtf:
Well, I never noticed that, but now that you put it that way I guess it cannot be unseen... Dang! :lol2:
Should I look for a new sig in order to keep people from getting disturbed?
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Why did you guys include the s3tc version of male3skinsbrand with the distribution without including the plain one? I'm only now getting to try the stuff out for the very little time i have left...i was trying to mostly focus on my obligatin like testing the upsx updates and working on them if i get to that...
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Re: Unreal PSX rework:Rise of Jrath thread

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

The non-s3tc file should be downloaded here:

SD from Christa

because without s3tc on especially ut might crash using the big file, also not recommended for server admins so use the historic version of male3skinsbrand

This was meant to go to the Steele Dawn thread? Can someone move it there? thx

I keep being disconnected and this is the result.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Delacroix »

Newbies mirror of SD now includes the regular version again, inclusion of S3TC one was by honest mistake since I used it for the screenshots.

The S3TC one is included with the S3TC update by AHaigh, as it damn well should be.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I'm adding this here from the Rise of Jrath thread where it ended up by mistake:


edit: alright lol

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Despite being in worries what's going to happen in a day to still trying to play through this, i havent applied all the patches to v1 so i'll say my experiences how it is.

I enjoy the pack for the most part, however some of the voice acting lines were a little too cheesy imo, also the way the pirate boss turns in the cutscene in the dmflux part is funny because it looks like his mask just popped out of nowhere. I think the turning should have been less sudden as you can't see he has the mask before that. I did see the rats float in the air sometimes though which I don't think was intentional.

But either way, the Xidia skaarj were a bit annoying to me even with qa cannon, it seems harder than when i played it last, i am playing on unreal difficulty. It does remind me like they are the equivalent of the generals in skaarj tower, its like the map was pushed into resembling skaarjtower more. Also there is a bug in the room with the key, with the barricaded door, that if you stand next to the coffin and scale its sides at the wall, part of the geometry can be walked into and you see a hom. With first map there weren't really issues apart from a bit of texturing error on the terrain where one bit had decayeds texture you could stand on.

I get what you said about stealth its just this map doesn't entirely fit it though and in skaarjtower i was always obliged to finish them off. It would have been cooler if they didn't have such a devastating attack with their claws here. Because they do ambush you from behind very often.

For a second map the difficulty is a bit off I have to be honest here.

Otherwise its all really very well done and at times professional quality.

But with all the additions, the xidia skaarj really could have been toned down.

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All the corners of those "coffins" have that problem though that you can walk into them.

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lol im at the gal'razik boss, that stuff about preparing anuses though many times is it going to be there? i know you wrote a lot of the lines up front etc but i didn't see all of them before getting to hear them.

But yea I don't know yet how to defeat him, now here you can be stealthy for sure.

But yea..."face me like your death"..err no that wasn't the line lol

but I can imagine those lines mixing. this reminds me of pariah, of the stockton fight lol

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"There is no warrior."

There's only one way out and it is escape...

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The story in river ruins is well thought. Good job in linking it seamlessly together like that especially given that details of the story were missing...

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Also kudos to improving the sudoku it was much better now.

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Lol the two brothers fight, that is actually when the cheesyness gets good especially with that split face screen lol.

I didn't see that coming.

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Btw I was kind of disappointed the other vegra movers weren't still added back before despite requesting them around the alpha stage. Just a tiny thing though. Also the temple bit at the lava at lavaplant only on one side there is one now, the second one wasn't added back either (i planned this to form a bridge for coop). And indeed the lava titan fight became a bit much now, but otherwise good.

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Since you added double automags you could have used the opportunity to change the skin to brandon hands too, just saying. Since I think that was the plan when they started making the sd variants of weapons themselves as "tc"...

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Where is the new minigun model from? It seems to remind me unreal championship but i dont think its exact. The malus kralls were annoying though.

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There were some hom problems under the lavaplant lift though. in the lava itself

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the sdeightball when locking in gets stuck sometimes with the skaarj it keeps circling around their base until something touches it lol

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In starport why is the red light still on at one of the forcefields after it gets disabled? When I did the test with keypad that light was tied to the events and it turned normal blue again. I suppose the event system was reworked here but still I thought that was supposed to change.

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Starport again: I assumed you will still change that brick texture in one of the generator rooms. It always felt to me it was meant as temporary texture there. But w/e. I should have said it during the alpha testing just automatically assumed it was to be changed.

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Can't pickup shells in one of the crates close to the entrance past the level2 forcefields.

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Well, don't really like the interactive cutscene one, sorry that doesn't work well for me at all. Not happy about there being more pirates spawning at the beginning of jolly roger since last time either :/

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Well, I finished playing. I like the implemented countdown and stuff. But overall my enjoyment oif the final map dropped. There are too many super skaarj on the map, those golden ones for example. Unreal difficulty, yes, but still. Overall my favorite map is river ruins including the boss fight, which was kind of the opposite with the alpha.

I do have to say i recognize some of the added rooms (also since the alpha) from the spantobi version, which I thought you were going to ignore completely. But maybe it is for the best this way, it is a blend of all the styles from various jolly roger versions and they changed a lot. So that is good...but the gameplay hasn't improved for me. did he stop the countdown? I must have missed him pressing something or did the Gal'Razik do it?

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speaking of river ruins the only thing that bothered me was the grate that is visible from one side and not from other.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Delacroix »

Gal'Razik stops the countdown. He has "other plans". I'll leave it to your imagination but knowing the Empire... you get idea.

Also: "too many super Skaarj on the map"? Jolly Roger has regular Skaarj units, aside from Golden Blades and Gal'Razik. There's nobody else on the Skaarj side over there that is not the norm.

EDIT: Also, overall, Gal'Razik is NOT supposed to be fought at any point prior to his personal shield being destroyed. That means, in the mansion you very much need to evade him. What you can do however is rely on the Impact Hammer to knock him back if he's right in front of you and just about any stronger knockback-capable weapon if he's in your way but you have some distance available. Neither will damage him but you can physically move him out of the way.

The cutscene at the mansion clearly shows that there is a personal shield that deflects shots.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Yes I know, I did figure that out, its just I can imagine ton of players getting stuck there because there's hardly a hint where to go and that dropdown section of the mansion behind the library has been removed as far as I can see. And yes I refered to the Golden Blades, there's just too much of them/they are strong. The boss fight itself is less bad because there's more space around.

Also I just played the new version of cosmicsmackarena...the SD weapons are placed at almost literaly same spots where i summoned them during my play of the alpha is that possible? Did you implant me with a mind probe to get the location of where to place the weapons? Cuz I don't remember mentioning to you where they should be placed LOL.

Either way I think I will do a custom ut coop version of the maps as an addon, they will have manually placed ut variants of the weapons so no mutator/trickery needs to be applied which wouldn't work on custom setups anyways. I will also do some changes (the maps will be all renamed don't worry) that will make it palatable for 3 and some other people to run it. Just limiting health of the xidia skaarj and such, perhaps also making it text only without voice acting because there might be just too much of it for coop experience to be enjoyable.

I did encounter an invisible lavabeast on my quick test on coop though. The original sdlavabeast also wasn't as tough as this and it didn't spawn new ones like that, i thought that would be limited to only one pawn.

But yea one of the spawned ones got invisible for some reason.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Delacroix »

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 12:39 pmEither way I think I will do a custom ut coop version of the maps as an addon, they will have manually placed ut variants of the weapons so no mutator/trickery needs to be applied which wouldn't work on custom setups anyways. I will also do some changes (the maps will be all renamed don't worry) that will make it palatable for 3 and some other people to run it. Just limiting health of the xidia skaarj and such, perhaps also making it text only without voice acting because there might be just too much of it for coop experience to be enjoyable.
If you insist. However Aspide is right now working on the UT99-centric fixes now so perhaps wait around for that. DM maps were already updated, everything else is being fixed via the .u files.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

But where did the minigun mesh come from again?
But yea I will wait for system file fixes if you mean that. I'll just work on modifying the maps for 3's in the meantime. It shouldn't be as involved as zenith though. Its just as an alternative.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by OjitroC »

Delacroix wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 12:52 pm ..However Aspide is right now working on the UT99-centric fixes now so perhaps wait around for that. DM maps were already updated, everything else is being fixed via the .u files.
That's good to know - any timescale on that? I'll probably hold off continuing to play through SD, having already restarted it once after the previous updates came out.

Any chance of fixing the

Code: Select all

(Function oldskool.olpawnshadow.Tick:0113) Accessed None 'Owner'
log errors? Or, indeed, the

Code: Select all

ScriptWarning: NeutronBallInfo Save161.NeutronBallInfo2 (Function SteeleDawnPak.NeutronBallInfo.Working.Tick:00B4) Accessed None 'RadiusVictims'
ScriptWarning: NeutronBallInfo Save161.NeutronBallInfo2 (Function SteeleDawnPak.NeutronBallInfo.Working.Tick:00BC) Attempt to assign variable through None
errors? The former is the most important as, TBH, I'm not particularly looking forward to getting a 77MB+ log after playing one map.

Finally, if the .u files are being altered for UT, how are you going to approach the issue of the CustomWeaponReplacer in SteeleDawnGUI replacing 4 of the SD weapons with their Olweapons/Botpack equivalents both on-line and off-line? This will alter the overall experience somewhat? The ideal approach, if it is possible, would be to allow the user to decide which weapons should be replaced.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I looked at the code and it seems the customweaponreplacer is there only for coop, as it wasn't deemed necessary for sp obviously. But it only works if admins use the sdcoopgame2 (which will most likely have its own tab). So its not good for coopgame2 and coopgame2 namelikes like ecoop/ccoop whatever other coop that appeared n the ut coop scene. So yea there it won't work and using this mutator anyways would conflict with the weapon replacements on 3's because its not using the default oldskool weapons but package olweps instead.

I don't think they'll fix the shadow issue, it is not sd-only bug. I recommend disabling pawn shadows on ut then. However it is possible of course to fix them within the sd gametype from the gui package....

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Btw @Delacroix, you mentioned you would include Rikia's pirate skin still in package or even a summnable class, but I did not find such...

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I looked at the alpha files and there rikia's skin even in the sources is replaced by papercoffee's version. There's only a very early version with the bands just being painted. So the version you posted on the screenshots (where I put Travolta in) is nowhere to be found as of now.

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Also, the second map still has the ???? question marks in the author field. I believe it is because of that one dm town map that got merged into the bigger one, because we don't know the author for sure. But the autumn/winter tundra-like map was definitely from eric boltjes. Just the skytown themed one not and by someone else who was in the project before or after. Its just a rejected/unfinished map that changed map author, just like often happened in upsx. Eric Boltjes did work on this, its just also someone else who we don't know lol.

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But maybe those question marks were added because the team list/map list at some point might have literally said it lol, because they didn't have someone new chosen yet when they published it on the site but it went to boltjes in the end.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Neon_Knight »

IIRC Rikia left the community after a grade-A-hole made fun of his mods in a Discord channel. Which is unfortunate.
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ProTip 1: anybody using the phrase "I'm a True Fan and You're Not!" is an obnoxious, self-centered, egotistical, elitist, narcissist douchebag.
ProTip 2: anybody who uses the "Royal We" when making a demand wants to pass their own opinion as everyone else's.
ProTip 3: Only the people that do nothing but criticize don't make mistakes. Do things. Make mistakes. Learn from them. And screw those who do nothing but throw poison and criticize.
ProTip 4: If the Duke Nukem Forever fiasco wasn't enough of a lesson, perfectionism leads to nothing positive. Don't be afraid of releasing a buggy product. Even the most polished product has its flaws.
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I didn't know, but either way he did finish his skin before. I just received the png version. I do like that skin a lot more in the end, perhaps the new one fits the revised project but rikia's skin fits more with the recovered material as the original pirate skin was not recovered only concept art and model.

Btw speaking of UT bugs, apparently the proxy mine grenade is continualy exploding over clients and doesn't disappear. of the UT_SDGrenadelauncher. So hope that's fixed too.

In other words: On dedicated servers you can walk over a ghost of already exploded grenade and it will keep exploding when walking on it.

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Btw I was doing stronghold coop version now (I don't do them in order because im waiting for the filetransfer of the updated ones).
One of the things I had to alter was the dragnkin krall because the flames effect stays online forever even if they die out and those flames on the floor are a pain in general so 3 will appreciate me disabling those flame grenades coming from it. Also 3's has dampeners destroyed so the keycard didn't appear at all (I warned of this at the beginning and of other servers potentially destroying it but w/e doesn't matter now).
The UT_SDEightball has a scriptwarning spam when playing on a dedicatedserver (for the client though i believe) because it can't find the idle anim in the mesh, this is a common problem with tournamentweapon and i had to fix it with several of the upsxweapons including the ut version of upsxquadshot which is what the last patch was for...
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by OjitroC »

The quadrapred has this function

Code: Select all

Function TweenToFalling()
	if ( FRand() < 0.5 )
		TweenAnim('Run', 0.2);
but the mesh has no Anim 'Jump' - so when this is called it throws a log error. Probably the Anim called should be 'Leap'?

Get some of these errors in the log :

Code: Select all

(Function SteeleDawnPak.FlameGrenade.PostBeginPlay:003D) Accessed None 'Instigator'
Seems to be from the SDKrall projectile FireChain, of which the FlameGrenade forms a part.

I've played through the first 3 maps on Easy and on Unreal difficulties and, TBH, I didn't see any real difference in the gameplay - not a complaint, just an observation - perhaps that is intentional?
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Re: Steele Dawn

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Or simply because it takes more time to do filter settings when you're rushing to get something released on an anniversary.

But yea there was definitely problem with the sdkrall especially online. I saw the same messages you're describing. The quadrapred issue doesn't happen too often though fortunately so its something that can be lived with. But still, those are common errors especially of rushed productions. I wasn't reall available for the beta testing only for the alpha one and quadrapred and all the voice acting and more changes including all the xidia skaarj and other appearances, are new additions for me that I haven't seen prior. Some of the voice lines I frankly hate, although I do enjoy the hammyness of some lines especially on maps like the second one. But few lines here and there are really too much, like the one at the stronghold when all those skaarjs get triggered and come at you from their hiding spots. I didn't see a reason to do this and its just excessive especially because there's also a praetorian among them.

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Starport at generator 2, the keypad...there isn't a working bypass here for coop, meaning the map's never to be finished. Also...those lightning blasts it was always obvious to me that they were going to kill the player with it just didn't set it up yet...but yea all of this is fucking moot now lol i guess. I'll fix those coop errors myself for the separate 3's version though but this is not good. Starport you might wanna update really because it would normally get stuck too here on coop no matter what gametype you run. So that's different from the keycard issue in previous map.

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Yea only the initial keypad had a coop bypass, the rest doesn't have that "luxury". I wonder how could anyone have played through this in coop prior really, the keypads don't work on dedicated servers.

Starport needs update and maybe while at it also adress the red light thing as it was supposed to go off with those forcefields down like i demonstrated in my test map using the original keypads. When you finished the "circle" and added back gen2 room you also copied the "fields" but the event setup got reworked obviously and this was neglected.

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The lightning beam movers also don't properly align in all of them to the actual rod where it hits...

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So much for Delacroix saying I won't be able to find any other bugs than what his tester team reported so far so he sees no reason waiting for me or w/e.

I really have no clue what's going on but I think this is a proof of that's simply not the case. I have a systematic approach at testing, I know what to look for, I don't just go "la la la" run through maps and that's it.

I am this thorough at my own projects too and I hate being dismissed for this.

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This was all pretty short-sighted.

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I had to causevent both the generator password screens...then there's still one more keypad puzzle so...yea three of them only the first one works in coop at the very beginning.

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The Coop Teleporter ends to B2 map, from beta2, not V1 the release version.....
At starport...meaning the next map will never load too..