House Rules

General Announcements about Unreal Tournament and
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House Rules

Post by Shade »

The most important rule:
Don't create placeholder threads! Create threads in case you have an actual argument to discuss.

The administrators and moderators of this forum try to edit or to remove entries with questionable contents as fast as possible; however, it is impossible to check every individual message. By submitting this approval you accept that each contribution in this forum shows the opinion of its author and that the administrators, moderators and operators of this forum are only responsible for their personal contributions.

You commit yourself, neither to publish in this forum insulting, obscene, vulgar, defaming, violence gloryficating nor other postings with indictable content. Offenses against this rule lead to immediate and permanent suspension. The operators reserve the right to pass the corresponding connection data to the criminal prosecution authorities. You grant the operators, administrators and moderators of this forum the right to remove, edit or relocate contributions at their own discretion. You agree that the data gathered during registration are stored in a data base.

This system uses Cookies, in order to store information on your computer. These Cookies contain none of the information indicated above, but serve exclusively for a convenient operation. Your mail address is used only for the acknowledgment of the registration and if necessary for the delivery of a new password.

By completing the registration you agree to these conditions:
1. Be kind to each other, because this is a support and community forum and no flame-forum. Insulting statements are unwanted in any case. Assure that discussions are always led objective and do not end in a personal battle. Resolve issues outside the board or consult a moderator.

2. Please post new contributions on-topic, that means relevant to the subject/range of topics and phrase expressive Thread titles! “Help” or “problem!” can be mentioned in the thread, but please not as topic heading. The title should display the basic problem – thus generally results in more and better responses which is also in your own self-interest.

3. If you have reported a concrete problem, please post a feedback whether one of the proposed solutions has solved it. It is simply annoying, if someone is still reflecting about a problem but the solution has been found long before.

4. No contributions containing commercial product advertisements or similar Web-services please. This applies to "signatures" too, which obviously serve the purpose of promotion.

5. Leave politics outside please, including but not limited to proposals / postings to extremists offers or similar unconstitutional contents. This applies to avatars as well as to signatures. Experiences revealed that political topics heat-up the emotions and the climate of public opinion suffers heavily.

6. The responsible person can ban individual forum users, who violate deliberately against these rules.

7. For each forum-participant one log-on is authorized. In case a user creates several accounts and various nicknames without a good reason, depending on the situation, all accounts may be blocked.

8. Signatures and graphics attached to a thread shall not affect the readibility of the page. Therefore, henceforth the following rules will apply: No more than 5 lines of text. The width has to be arranged in such a way, that no horizontal scrolling is required at a resolution of 1366 x 768.

9. All kind of links containing reference-ID´s are not permitted, e.g. such theft-games or links where someone makes cash with.

10. Do NOT post in threads where the last post is older than 3 months ("necrobumping"), unless you have something useful to add or a pertinent question to make.

11. Please refrain from posting a PM in public. No matter from which forum.
We try to keep discussions and manners here civil.
If the message you have received is threatening or in any way indecent, please contact the staff crew.
Thank you,
Last edited by papercoffee on Tue Jun 27, 2023 1:34 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: House Rules

Post by Feralidragon »

Change log:
- 8th rule adjusted: now it's officially clear when exactly double-posting is allowed.
- 12th rule added: no necrobumping.
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Re: House Rules

Post by papercoffee »

Change log:
- 13th rule added: no PM in public, without consulting the staff crew.
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Re: House Rules

Post by Shade »

Change log:
- 10th rule changed: Removed the part "Pictures/banners not more than 468x60 pixel". Changed "The width has to be arranged in such a way, that no horizontal scrolling is required at a resolution of 1024x768" to 1366x768 (laptop resolution). Discord Server:
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