The rest
I shared a few points when Buggie did some fixes at MH a few time ago - those were my points if you are not reading forum.
Then points were redirected like were new and adding other things nearby. Attitude code for Bots concerning that 75 collision is MY OPTION since 3+ years and the rest were already shared or simply they are public in Monster Gaming Server for some time - before COVID Stage. Everything is visible and codes not stripped - just like that.
First of all XC_MonsterHunt is written from byte ZERO by ME and taking a few things from Higor's recommendations (configurable replacements) - I didn't recall many helpers here. And I think a new work started from byte Zero is not subject for permissions - probably you don't have any clue what is doable and how - I think I can do it without any MH package as dependency and then permissions story is completely off-topic, DM-Deck16 doesn't need CTF-Face for being played after all, frankly it's another stuff.
MonsterHunt was under heavy working since years as long as source-code for compiling assets was already shared - MH for coding was provided by Kelly by the way. MH2 from me has another base, expanding Domination and all timers are rebuild - if you are not aware about X pages which I wrote there let me see, you don't know what was fixed and what is not fixed here, I even forgot all details because are a few years since I touched those, I can only recall some points when I see the game state capturing my attention and comparing stages.
Fixed map won't be public very soon until will pass all tests - then I'll think if it will go out or not.
Assets changed will make cache rippers to split hair and to not be happy, but this direction of altering everything is far from my understanding.
If you want my points in how to not mess backward compatibility solution which I can recommend is leaving alone original package and... EXPANDING it for overwriting bugged functions. In a new package used by game authority nothing is compromised concerning original package integrity, an add-on would cause less damage than changing structures, but since I'm talking to the walls, I think I'll stay quiet here until someone else will point fingers in the same direction.