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Post by Buggie »

Convert from UT2004 for CTF with X-Vehicles this map:

This map need XVehicles at least v59 for load:
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Last edited by Buggie on Tue Oct 08, 2024 11:22 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by EvilGrins »

Buggie wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:39 pm- Bots mostly not work.

Well, if it comes to that, I know a guy.
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Post by Buggie »

Bots not work, not because no paths or similar. Map layout not designed for bots.

For example,
- travel to tubes make fall damage if you try exit. It is too high. So good luck tell bots jump from cliff. And Good luck play with bots which simple die from fall damage.
- bots able stuck over inventory placed over small skulls. OFC you can place inside skull small invisible collusion hull, for prevent that, but this usually ruins light for skull. Possible this can be done via change PrePivot for deco.
- There no way to top. In UT2004 there used flying paths for reach it. In UT99 no such thing as flying paths.

In general terms bots able play here, but somewhere stuck or be lost. Some parts unreachable and so on.
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Post by SilverSound »

I'm sure sektor could easily Figure out paths for the map. Though it wouldn't be perfect and it might not be worth the effort.
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Post by sektor2111 »

FallDamage can be reduced correctly to a minimum Level - such as 5 - 10 points.
Jumping from a high ground is a problem in 2022 ? It never was ! :sleep:

I must find a guy speaking English perfectly (and maybe not only English) which would be willing to help me in writing some pathing tutorial because... it looks like what Polge said perhaps it's in Birdish language or something like that... Let me see:
- Fake Warps by Buggie - connects a path between two points doesn't matter where they are;
- FV_LinkedPoint by Higor - does the same thing but happily destroyed by some lousy TeleporterfixXXX mutator which is just ruining routes;
- Original Combos by Polge - these are having a large applicability but not everyone can do their settings because - probably their keyboard has malfunctions;
- XC stuff by Higor - linking paths on demand is doable after reading a bit about these assets;
- XC_PathsWorker - generating all sort of ReachSpecs exactly as user wants (more or less logic).

Intro - I learned that sometimes UT Editor is more dumber than an amoeba. As result, you can fool it in the most funny ways - you'll have good laughs at random, if we are talking about creating Paths using Editor and not human defined ones - because this is possible too now days.
- you can put Your Nodes for getting connected, and you can move them post-pathing how you want generating desired One-Way paths to spots where usually paths aren't created;
- you can get rid of SOLO jumpspots connected to nowhere - not connected more exactly;
- you can use FAKE Water-Zones or temporary Water-Zones which will always deliver R_Swim* paths used by Bot because... Bot can actually swim if memory doesn't cheat me.

(Un?)known problems:
- if indeed zone has some miserable gravity affecting movement and engine is forced to work against itself when it calculates Bot's movement;
- if geometry has narrow spots with columns where jumping requires a very precise landing;
- Holes heading to a lower Node but jumping results in a total failure - some stock maps are having these "examples";
- other physical obstructions where Editor does... PATHS, impossible to be used - Yes, it does this;
- mappers not knowing that a Combo is a Two-Way route not One-Way and it needs at least 3 Nodes not 2;
- differences between a Red Path and a Blue Path - and between a Fake Blue Path and a True Blue Path - I sampled in forum such AlarmPoints unused because of Fake Blue Paths;
- big UNR files (aka maps) where DevPath slash Engine does a total rejection going over boundaries in less than an eye blink;
- A big number of combos chained will deliver a very long route with an insane navigation Cost/ExtraCost and so it has all chances for getting turned into a Blocked Route similar to what BlockedPath does to a Route (not to a Spot) and it might do a Slow-Down added to route calculus because of UScript handlers involved;
- Other problems ? Image

*R_Swim = a ReachSpec where Navigation requires Swimming capability - known by enemies friends as Required Swimming - bCanSwim = True for Pawn route seeker.
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Post by Buggie »


- fix many issues
- fix fan
- fix jumppads
- fix bots stuck
- fix fall damage
- improved paths
- add few new paths
Updated at first post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15086
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Post by sektor2111 »

Here I did a wrong move... Completely my fault... :loool:
I was drinking a cup of coffee while I used PathsDebug tool for probing the shortest Path from Blue Flag to Red Flag - I was almost to spit coffee everywhere...
I'm not sure if I want to look at flag carrier, in hoping that said UTJumpPad takes in account Pawn's RouteCache point for preventing to be kidnapped and thrown back... This was one of stages where in my pathing tool I prevented a "pass-through One-Way" Teleporters which in this case will hijack Pawn's movement...
For curious audience, here is my logic behind the stage which was never doing funky moves...
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Post by Buggie »

If so, maybe you just load bot with mind reader on map and look how it handle this "wrong" path?
For not wait long, suggest select all AlternatePath and set Team to 42 for all, before launch map.
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Post by sektor2111 »

I don't see too much capturing activity from the opponents and... that situation might happen when no AlternatePath is chosen. Whenever you are going through a Teleporter like through a normal PathNode - not to Destination, logically this Teleporter will hijack initial route elsewhere by kidnapping Bot from initial road - not needed here any MindReader for logic facts. When Teleporter has a destination and it is not a destination itself, the rest of destinations added are just buggers, and YES, in this case DevPath is entirely wrong and not "wrong" at all. I can configure a stage where Teleporters are totally ruining routes and perhaps you'll figure what I mean. And... the rest of Air Paths over "Walk" zones are not having any purpose. The lucky thing is that here are enough paths for finding a good solution to the target. Either way sample me a MindReader showing up to RouteCache[4] points and let see together how are these suddenly changed when Bot is touching a Teleporter which was calculated as a PathNode not as a Teleporter. If here you are reducing paths defining main routes through these "Jumpers" you'll see that funky stuff which I'm trying to explain for months.
Here I had some maps by Pikko having these sWJumpPads - not a single time I saw Bot bouncing in walls because it was intended to move to a next Pathnode but not to the destination. sWJumpPad was only throwing it elsewhere bugging its initial desired route. I did not needed any MindReader for figuring what was about. But... it's not a big deal, I have what I need for doing these as they should - without 16000+ ReachSpecs.

Edit: Here I think I posted a relevant example - the worst stage possible - regarding to what DevPath does with One Way Teleporters which are not One-Way and the result of creating jerky ReachSpecs.
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Post by Buggie »


- add mantas.
- fix meshes. Thanks Deepu for help!
- improve paths.
- fix some other issues.

Now require XVehicles at least v41 for load.

Update in first post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15086
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Post by Buggie »


- Improve paths.
- Improve how defenders handle vehicles:
- Bots can reach top secret area on foots.

Now need XVehicles at least v59 for load.

Update in first post: viewtopic.php?t=15086
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Post by Buggie »


- Improve paths.
- Improve BSP:
- Improve FPS.

Update in first post: https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?t=15086