[Question] Is it possible to create new tournaments?

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[Question] Is it possible to create new tournaments?

Post by reaction »

I actually really enjoy the SP Tournament aspect of UT99 (where you play through pre-defined maps in order with new game modes unlocking as you progress) and I'm wondering if it's possible to create my own Tournament using custom maps and bots?

I want to completely change the map order, which maps are played and which bots are used. I also want to write flavor text like you see with the Vanilla maps and bots. Hopefully this can be done!
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Re: [Question] Is it possible to create new tournaments?

Post by OjitroC »

As noted, it is possible and it has been done. I'm pretty sure this has been discussed on here several times in the past - so do a search of the forum - trying looking for Ladder and you may find one or two that people have already done that you can use or modify for your own use.

You can also search the well-known file sites - I seem to recall that one of the custom ladders is called 'spladder' or something similar so have a look for that.

Not quite sure what you mean by 'flavor text' - do you mean the taunts and other speech from the bots? That is a different ballgame as it were - basically voice packs of which there are hundreds around.
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Re: [Question] Is it possible to create new tournaments?

Post by Shrimp »

OjitroC wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:40 am Not quite sure what you mean by 'flavor text' - do you mean the taunts and other speech from the bots? That is a different ballgame as it were - basically voice packs of which there are hundreds around.
Flavour text refers to the descriptions of teams, characters and maps that are shown as you progress throughout the ladder. Like this stuff
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Re: [Question] Is it possible to create new tournaments?

Post by OjitroC »

So there are two custom ladders that I have come across - http://medor.no-ip.org/Mods/AMLadderv1.01.zip and http://medor.no-ip.org/Patches/spladder.rar.

They may not give you what you want but you may be able to work out how to do your own by adapting the code.

Still worth searching this forum for a discussion about how to do this.
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Re: [Question] Is it possible to create new tournaments?

Post by Neon_Knight »

I've tried to document the whole process from a tutorial I did quite a long ago. TL;DR: it's a LOT more complicated than it seems.

The Ladder could be extended, but that should be left for an "Advanced" tutorial, here's just the basics. I miss when I could do some coding, these days my patience is at an all-time low.

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https://www.oldunreal.com/wiki/index.ph ... yer_ladder
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Re: [Question] Is it possible to create new tournaments?

Post by TankBeef »

Something I have always wondered about the default ladder. Since maps get gradually harder all the way to Xan even on novice, what is the proportion of bot difficulty increase between maps? For example, in novice, which maps are experienced, skilled, adept, etc.
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