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DM-NRMC-VakitonFinalV2 (Vakiton Factory: Final Edition v2)

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:10 am
by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX
Hello everyone! :) I know several people and groups have been playing my Vakiton map, and they have pointed several things out to me since the mappack was released. I created the Second Edition and requested to UnrealGGecko for an update because the First Edition did not work on clients from 400-451 due to the outside lighting that was in place. The Second Edition _did_ work on all clients, but there was several issues that others including myself have pulled into question, mainly visual anomolies.

So I did a fix-up! :) I worked on and off for 4 months (early April to August 1) adding in various things (Easter Eggs, driving cars on the roads, new billboards, etc.) while fixing texture misalignments and "floating brushes" (the glass skylight above the armor had a floating piece of glass, not very noticeable to most but several people noticed it including myself).

I should mention a great thanks to isense/esnesi for allowing me to use Friday Frag Night (FFN) images alongside Shade for allowing me to have access to the PSD of the logo, and of course for Zim for giving me permission to use his Gibblets logo, all 3 for textures on the billboards.

HOPEFULLY this map is bug free now, but we'll see on that front.

A big thank you to everyone who enjoyed the map when the mappack was released. :mrgreen:

Oh, and another thing: I made three versions of this map, the normal version, the 469 version & the NoOutside version. The only difference between the regular & 469 versions is the outside lighting, which on the 469 version looks more natural (and has shadows), whereas in the normal version the outside uses ZoneLight to provide general lighting (alongside lighting from the street lamps and the entranceway to the factory and the docking station out back). The NoOutside version is just the arena part of the map by itself, without the extras (office area & the outside), making the map _much_ more smaller, while still providing enjoyment to those who love the level but not the filesize (or for those who just want to play the map without having any fancy stuff, has tighter PC/laptop requirements, etc.). :tu:

Pictures are in the spoiler so it doesn't clog up the entire post :wink:
Here is the download link:
Vakiton Factory: Final Edition v2
(38.27 MiB) Downloaded 31 times

P.S. I will be making a Monster Hunt version of this map in the future, so stay tuned for that! It could be next year, or in 5 years. Whenever really, it depends on how much free time I have. :ironic:

Thanks all for the magical NRMC (No Rules Mapping Contest) of last year, it was an honour and a pleasure to participate in, and perhaps..._just_ perhaps, I may participate in other contests down the road. :D

Until next time, take care my friends! :mrgreen:

EDIT: There has been reports of an oversight that I did during development (keyphrase: I'm an idiot :facepalm: ) that the map uses my RUFXMappingEssentials.u package. Well...the file, RUFXMappingEssentials.u, is still going to be updated from time to time, but I'll be making a separate thread for that when the time comes. Until then, I deem the package in its current state, Alpha 1.5, as perfectly usable and acceptable to be spread into the wild! :) I will not repackage the ZIP file, but if anything, perhaps it is time to showcase to the world my "Pet Project for UT". I won't say much now into what this package does, but feel free to load it in the editor yourself and check it out. I'll be making a thread (eventually) on the package, and an official Download Link to said package on my clan's future website. My apologies for this error, but the posiitve news is y'all get access to the first public preview of the RUFXMappingEssentials.u package. Oh, and one last thing, _if_ you want to use RUFXMappingEssentials.u in your project, please email me (or message UnrealGGecko) first. :) Thanks everyone for your understanding, and my apologies for the confusion! :) (I'm a f***ing idiot :facepalm: )

EDIT 2: I noticed a lighting issue with Vakiton Final, the regular version (the 469 version is not affected). Therefore, I created a Fix1. My apologies for this in advance! :sad2:

EDIT 3: I am back (from the dead, muahahahahahaaa! :loool: ) Alright, good news everyone! I have worked on and off for the past 3 and a half months on v2.0 of the Final Edition, since there was some obvious problems with regarding v1.0 of the Final release, so I went ahead and fixed them, and I updated the NoOutside build to V2 as well, bringing it up to standard with the Final v2 maps. I have also myLeveled the RUFXMappingEssentials.u dependency, so that file is no longer needed! :mrgreen: I will be uploading the source of the .u file to GitHub one day, so stay tuned regarding that! :) Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy! :rock:

EDIT 4: Discord (apparently?) now blocks external use of images (and perhaps files as well) uploaded through their service, so I uploaded the screenshots to my personal website so you all can see them again in their glory! :)

Re: DM-NRMC-VakitonFinalV2 (Vakiton Factory: Final Edition v2)

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:02 pm
by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX
The changelog from Final v1.0 to Final v2.0:
  • Fixed the sunken AmbientSound of one of the ceiling lights in the Minigun room
  • Fixed the BSP error on of the ribs on one of the skylights (the one right above the Pulse Gun)
  • Made the Drainage Basin in the Utility room a single brush (it was previously 2 separate brushes) and aligned the drain to be in the centre of the basin -- this brings it in line with the Plantar box in the front which is already a single brush
  • Optimized a couple of brushes in the Office area and made all the Semi-solid brushes on the roof of the Vakiton Factory arena a Non-solid (the latter shaves off almost 700kb off the filesize!)
  • Set the driving car collision to IGNORE (formerly was CRUSH -- caused an issue when it was set to CRUSH)
  • Fixed the broken Easter Egg sounds for the posters and the Franklin PC that has Windows 98 Plus! on it (The triggers were missing (my bad on my part) -- I had to bring them back from Alpha 3G of Vakiton Final v1.0)
  • Fixed all lighting issues on the textures (dark & bright spots/streaks/patches, etc.) that was especially prevalent in the 469 build and in the original regular Final version (i.e. not the Fix1 version)
  • Updated the lighting in the Rocket Launcher room
  • Adjusted the Low Shadow Detail option on several textures for a better balance of how shadows are presented (and to prevent extreme "bad" shadows from occuring)
  • myLeveled the RUFXMappingEssentials.u dependency used by the driving cars (the sphere mesh & the Dev256 texture used by the sphere mesh)
  • Updated the NoOutside version of the map to V2
  • Updated screenshots

Re: DM-NRMC-VakitonFinalV2 (Vakiton Factory: Final Edition v2)

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 3:29 pm
by nickelo
Thanks for your work, uploaded to my server and working... for test !vote load 469v2 version and play nice map.