Ok, so I added the MapFilters for UnrealCoop and it's still sorting alphabetically. Oddly, I re-enabled the built-in Special PremadeA example and that sorts maps as listed. . . strange. Here's my game type and map filters:
Code: Select all
DKBluff is at the top, Vortex2 at the bottom of this list. . . Not sure what's going on.
Auto merged new post submitted 11 minutes later
I might have found something. DKChizra still has XX in the filter number. . . lemme fix that and see what happens
Auto merged new post submitted 11 minutes later
Nope. Still sorting alphabetically
Auto merged new post submitted 54 minutes later
I found a couple other mistakes in my list referencing maps that are not in the maps folder--it's not easy to get a good, sorted list of the DK maps!
With all of that cleaned up, it still sorts alphabetically. I even changed all of the maps referenced in the MapFilters to be case specific, as many of the DK maps pack have map files with goofy capitalization.
Here is my current list of map filters for coop unreal:
Code: Select all
MapFilters[41]=coopunreal DKVortex2
MapFilters[42]=coopunreal dknyLeve
MapFilters[43]=coopunreal DKdig
MapFilters[44]=coopunreal DKdug
MapFilters[45]=coopunreal DKpassage
MapFilters[46]=coopunreal DKChizra
MapFilters[47]=coopunreal DKceremony
MapFilters[48]=coopunreal DKdark
MapFilters[49]=coopunreal DKHarobed
MapFilters[50]=coopunreal DKTerraLift
MapFilters[51]=coopunreal DKterraniux
MapFilters[52]=coopunreal DKNoork
MapFilters[53]=coopunreal DKRUINS
MapFilters[54]=coopunreal DKTrench
MapFilters[55]=coopunreal DKisvkran4
MapFilters[56]=coopunreal DKISVKRAN32
MapFilters[57]=coopunreal DKISVDECK1
MapFilters[58]=coopunreal DKspirevillage
MapFilters[59]=coopunreal DKThesunspire
MapFilters[60]=coopunreal DKSkycaves
MapFilters[61]=coopunreal DKSkyTown
MapFilters[62]=coopunreal DKSkyBase
MapFilters[63]=coopunreal DKVeloraEnd
MapFilters[64]=coopunreal DKBluff
MapFilters[65]=coopunreal DKDasaPass
MapFilters[66]=coopunreal DKDasaCellars
MapFilters[67]=coopunreal DKNaliBoat
MapFilters[68]=coopunreal DKNalic
MapFilters[69]=coopunreal DKNaliLord
MapFilters[70]=coopunreal DKDCrater
MapFilters[71]=coopunreal DKExtremeBeg
MapFilters[72]=coopunreal DKExtremeLab
MapFilters[73]=coopunreal DKExtremeCore
MapFilters[74]=coopunreal DKExtremeGen
MapFilters[75]=coopunreal DKExtremeEnd
MapFilters[76]=coopunreal DKQueenEnd