I've tested fnn229.NewNetH4X and I found it to be incompatible with the foxWS widescreen fix https://github.com/alexstrout/foxWSFix-UT99 the sniper rifle zooms out instead of zooming in
Screenshot from 2023-06-15 21-34-45.png
Is it a known issue?
I hear it for the first time. Here is the h4x sniper rifle code. I don't want to dig there. If you want you can fix it or fix foxWSFix-UT99
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New version 232-233
1. Added font scaling up to 4k
2. Mutator BeaconPlayer. Added font scaling up to 4k
3. Added support mod foxWS widescreen https://github.com/alexstrout/foxWSFix-UT99
4. Fixed many acessed nones Update in first post
New version 234
1. Fixed a bug due to which the position of the pulse beam (PulseGun weapon) was displayed incorrectly if the player was crouched.
2. Added Warhead Redemeer hit notification sounds for shooter and hitter. Added broadcast message. Update in first post
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New version 235
1. Fixed a bug due to which the position of the pulse beam (PulseGun weapon) was displayed incorrectly if the player set weapon hand center or left.
2. Added local message for player if his Warhead Redemeer was destroyed
3. Fixed acessed nones Update in first post Auto merged new post submitted 12 hours 57 minutes laterNew version 236
Added previous fix with PulseGun beam for LMS and TLMS if player is in PlayerSpectating state Update in first post
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New version 240
1. Spectators:
• sees the player's jump boots in the HUD
• sees changes to the player's dolls in the HUD
• added value in FragNewNet.ini bSpecSniperZoom=false. If true - spectator sees zoom SniperRifle/H4xRifle player's
2. H4X Rifle. Improved code (fixed Headshot, DeathMessage, flood in log)
3. Warmup. Fixed bug with momentum from weapon. Update in first post
New version 242
1. Spectators. Improved zoom code for SniperRifle/H4XRifle.
- allow fnn arena game modes and Translocator (if bUseTranslocator=true)
- PlayerSpectator sees player's HUD stuff and zoom for SniperRifle/H4XRifle (if bSpecSniperZoom=true)
2. Fixed acessed nones in log Update in first post
New version 244
1. Spectators:
- improved zoom for SniperRifle/H4XRifle and added zoom for SuperZoomShockRifle (NewNetZIG arena)
- HUD settings are now independent of Player HUD settings
- fix bug with transparent HUD
2. Improved zoom for SuperZoomShockRifle (NewNetZIG arena).
3. Fixed acessed nones in log
- removed empty settings
- added setting bNoGiveweapons=false to support mutators that give weapons (need set True)
5. HUD. Improved display of three-digit numbers in ammo count. Update in first post Auto merged new post submitted 8 hours 5 minutes laterNew version 245
1. HUD. Improved display of three-digit numbers in ammo count for spectators also.
- remove setting bNoGiveweapons
- added support for ModifyPlayer mutators Update in first post Auto merged new post submitted 15 hours 51 minutes laterNew version 246
TLMS. Removed duplicate code, improved team balance. Update in first post
New version 249
1. Spectators sees player's Redeemer Warhead fly (AltFire for players).
2. Added value bRedeemerControls=False. True - adds the ability to control the speed of Redeemer Warhead (crouch - reduces speed, jump - increases).
3. The player's Redeemer Warhead is now destroyed after his reconnecting.
4. Fixed the position of 'Say' in the original chat.
5. Fixed HUD for MultiCTF Update in first post