Regarding Food Fight

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Regarding Food Fight

Post by EvilGrins »

Did the CTF maps edited for the burger ever get their own letter distinction?

Like how X-vehicle maps have an "XV" in the map title, I mean.
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Re: Regarding Food Fight

Post by OjitroC »

I've got 2 with the CTF-FF- prefix


and 14 with FF as a suffix to the map name (I assume that these are all for Food Fight - they appear to be maps made prior to the release of Food FIght, mostly maps with 300K or 512K as a prefix and FF as a suffix).

(DM maps, such as Pink, with FF in the map title are for/by the FemmeFatales).
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Re: Regarding Food Fight

Post by papercoffee »

Actually every CTF map can be played with Burger-CTF ...the only reason why I edited those other maps was because I placed the burger manually.
On non edited CTF maps the game mode uses the most centred path-node or item spot to place the burger, which can sometimes lead to situations that the burger is unreachable for bots or that an item like a keg-of-health or a shield-belt is replaced by it. For example Face][