- Set your server Tickrate based on different game mods and voting options
- TickrateSwitcher adjusts both NetServerMaxTickRate and LanServerMaxTickRate for the current NetworkDevice and DemoRecordingDevice
- When the tickrate is switched, a message will show in the server log
- Copy TickrateSwitcher.u into the System directory of your server
- Ensure the TickrateSwitcher mutator is included in the server mutator list. e.g. Mutators=TickrateSwitcher.TR
- Add Parameters=?Tickrate=128 or Parameters=?Tickrate=60 or any desired tickrate inside your Map Vote as a part of settings.
Source code and the latest version are also available at https://github.com/rxut/TickrateSwitcher
Thanks to Deoad, Buggie, and Marco from the OldUnreal team for helping clean up the code.
Thanks to Eternity for his suggestions on how to improve TickrateSwitcher.
Also, thanks to devereux (https://utctfpug.com/discord), who was the first to come up with the idea and create a mod like this.