No, there isn't one - I haven't bothered to create one as I assign the skins manually to ScriptedPawns (I'm not using those skins on bots) so I don't have one to send you.
An .int is easy enough to produce - follow an existing one. Open up an int for, say, the Botpack Soldier skins ( and then, in the Texture Browser in the Editor or in a program you use to view skins, open up the skin/texture file (SoldierSkins.utx). Go through the int, look at how it is structured, compare the entries to the skins and their names/numbers in the utx file and you will get the hang of how it is organised.
You can then copy an existing int file, rename it to, and go through it changing the texture names for those in SoldierSkinsNewPresidents.utx. Don't forget to save it when it is completed.
If you get really, really stuck, I can do one for you but it's a good opportunity to learn how to do it using a small and simple skin file
Nice job with the ARAMale skin