The Mutator itself is ready so far; now I'm creating the documentation.SBReplacer wrote:With this Mutator you can replace or remove Actors in a map, except Actors that have the property "bStatic" or "bNoDelete". It can be done in an unique map, a group of maps or all maps. It also can be done for a single unique Actor or all Actors of a class.
The documentation how it is given so far in the code
Code: Select all
Version 0, Released 17 May 2024
Replaces in a map all Actors given in the array *MapInfos*.
* The array members are treated in ascending order.
* Upper or lower case does not matter for any entry.
* Leading and trailing white chars are removed.
- *MapName* contains the name of a map name:
* if it specifies a single map, add the full mapname with extension, eg. "MH-Canyon.unr"
* if it specifies a group of file names, use '*' and/or '?' as wildcards
* if *MapName* is empty, the replacement will be done in ALL maps
- *ActorOut* is either the name of a specific Actor in a map or a class name:
* It MUST be given and MUST NOT designate an Actor with bStatic=True nor with bNoDelete=True nor an abstract class (they cannot be changed by default).
* If it may be a class name, and then MULTIPLE replacements may happen. The package name MUST be given (e.g. "UnrealI.StoneTitan" or "MH-Canyon.Pupae123").
* If *ActorOut* is the name of a specific Actor in a map only ONE replacement will be done. You may need the Unreal Editor to obtain the correct name. The package name of the Actor may NOT be given because all Actor's names are already unique (e.g. "StoneTitan4" or "MH-Canyon.Pupae123").
- *bActorOutIsClassName*:
Specific Actors always have digits at end (e.g. "Pupae123"), class names usually not (e.g. "StoneTitan"). Because this is not always true (see class 'botpack.minigun2' for example), the flag *bActorOutIsClassName* must be set accordingly to TRUE or FALSE.
- *ActorReplaceWith* (replaces what given in *ActorOut*):
* it MAY be given, must NOT name an Actor with bStatic nor an abstract one
* it must contain Actor's package name (e.g. "UnrealI.StoneTitan") ("botpack" package may be omitted)
* if *ActorReplaceWith* is empty, *ActorOut* is just removed
* to be visible on net clients, *ActorReplaceWith*'s package must be in section "ServerPackages" of UT server
This rule matches only map "TestMap.unr" and will remove all Botpack.Translocator.
This rule matches for all maps which name starts with "TestMap" and will replace all Botpack.SuperShockRifle with DangerW.ZencoderShockRifle.
This rule concerns ALL MonsterHunt maps (they start with "MH-") and will replace the "Nali0" a 'UnrealShare.SkaarjScout'.
This rule is invalid because *ActorOut* is empty.
== Other INI settings ==
LogLevel: use one value of these: LOG_None, LOG_Error, LOG_Warning, LOG_Info, LOG_Verbose, LOG_Debug, LOG_All
bUseLogTimeStamp: Add a timestamp in front of log messages? Values=TRUE|FALSE
bActive: you can temporarily disable this mutator with this. Values=TRUE|FALSE
SeriousBarbie AT barbies DOT world
Auto merged new post submitted 6 minutes later
I just noticed that the description for *ActorOut* is wrong - this will be corrected and kept in sync with the documentation in HTML format.