So the original Painkiller game from 2004 is THE posterchild when it comes to pure Monsterhunt/Invasion type gameplay.
I was thinking maybe if somebody wants to create new maps right now and needs some inspiration or even is in the mist of creating whole map packs right now, those original Painkiller Levels would be quite the blast to play on monsterhunt servers. Specially the train station and the prison:

But of course every Painkiller level (and enemie) would be perfect to get transformed into an UT monsterhunt map. As you can see on the pictures the basic model bodies for something like the Hell Angels in the prison could be taken from a Skaarj Warrior and for those soldiers at the train station you could use a mercenaries bodie type. The rest would need some re-texturing. Or you could build those enemies from scratch if you like. The original Painkiller soundpacks for those enemies would be cool too to hear in UT.
Given the fact that Painkiller shares its 20th Anniversary with UT2004 and a round birthday with UT99, maybe the time is ripe to fuse the Painkiller universe with the UT universe