X-SE: Xavier's Security Enforcers

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X-SE: Xavier's Security Enforcers

Post by EvilGrins »

We were introduced to the concept of the X-SE towards the start of the 1990s.
A mutant peace keeping force that operated like a hardcore police unit, from a future timeline of approximately 100 years hence.

A trio of them got stuck in the past, our present, in pursuit of criminals who time traveled via one crook who had that power. They quickly came into conflict with the X-Men as historical records weren't great in their era and they didn't recognize the X-men as being legitimate.

Such is the way of things...
...have fun.

This is a redo of a Cyclops skin I did awhile ago, which despite some improvements... red is hard.

https://www.mediafire.com/file/jhm7uoph ... ns_XSE.zip
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Re: X-SE: Xavier's Security Enforcers

Post by [rev]rato.skt »

gg man :D
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