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Two problems: merging bsp and making curved bsp

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:42 am
by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX
I am still confused on how to merge bsp and no idea on how to make curved bsp. Aalexanderrr said for Merging BSP that you have to do Polygons>Merge, but it never, ever worked for me (I must be doing something wrong), and the curved bsp is well beyond me.

Any sort of tut would be good for me. :)

Re: Two problems: merging bsp and making curved bsp

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:18 am
by --=PsyXandeR=--
You cannot merge surfces cos you have to align them to the wall first. About curves: you should use 2d shape ed, you make nice curve and then transform it into the brush , rescailing and rotating it in order to fit in nicely.
I will write a tut on this matter as soon as I get back.

Re: Two problems: merging bsp and making curved bsp

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:20 am
by Creavion
OMD, how can I explain that? hmm
The surfaces for merging (but first Align to floor [usually]) have to be on the same height or have to be the same angel ... something like this


and the same texture!

Re: Two problems: merging bsp and making curved bsp

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:38 pm
by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX
Thanks for your replies Aalexanderrr and Creavion. :)