Map Editor!!

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Map Editor!!

Post by Eciffo »


im searching for an other map editor than default because its to hard to understand :cry:

anyone know one :???: :???:

thanks for help!

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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by TheCorey »

Sorry, UT only has Ued. But really it's not so bad. Working with Hammer is alot and I mean alot more fustratig lol.

So? Where are you stuck at exactly? I'm sure we can find a way to solve it. :wink:
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by --=PsyXandeR=-- »

Some first starters (my schoolmate) got stuck on Substractive ideology: instead of adding brushes into empty void like in additive way, you have to substract them out of solid void. Alhough it sounds more complex, its much more easier to work with, theres no leaks or other disastrous stuff, all errors in Ued can be fixed.
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by Feralidragon »

Believe when I tell you that Ued it's not hard (maybe a little buggy, but not hard).

First of all, if this is the first time that you try to make a map in a 3D game, yeh, the first steps are harder, but you have to learn how the thing processes.

Second, if you are getting in trouble to make a new map in Ued, try to view and understand other maps, like DM-Deck16 and CTF-Face, and you will learn more than just reading a tutorial, belieave me (edit those maps and save with a different name, and then try to play on them to see what change) :wink:

Third, with all the basic experiences done, now yes, read a good tutorial about Unreal Mapping, in Unreal Wiki or try here: Downloads and search for "Tutorials".

You maybe take like a month to start your first map with all the knowledge needed, maybe less, maybe more.

So go on, and go to learn some mapping :tu:
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by Dare »

I thought it was very hard at first but I soon got used to it even though I am crap at making maps I know how to. :tu: Just try to find an online tutorial on how to use UnrealEd and it will soon come to you.
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by MrDuke2U »

Can anyone suggest a good tutorial for a Ued newbie? I have built many Nukem maps, but this is way different.
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by Shade »

You can download a very good UED Tutorial in our Download Section in "Tutorials"
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by GenMoKai »

If you got any questions, just ask on the forum ;) lot of mappers can help you out
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by ][X][~FLuKE~][X][ »

GenMoKai wrote:If you got any questions, just ask on the forum ;) lot of mappers can help you out

very true, also there is no "easy" quick route to learning mapping, it is a learning curve and will take time, but when you figure out how to do one thing that you think is cool it gives you a boost to keep on.

the suggestion to mess with default maps is a good idea, you can check out the properties of certain things and work out how each thing moves and works, there are many many tutorials out there that cover the basics of mapping.
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by §0n!b@n9 »

A little bit hard for novice but good tutos here : Tutorials Lode Vandevenne
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by Ronaldo1 »

Unreal Editor 2.0
Its like LEGO :D
The Geometry is simple: You have a brush (The Red Cube, you can activate it with the cube button at the left of the screen) .Later you can make a terrain with a BSP bit that is too complicated for first time mapper.To the Brush: With that brush you can Add (add to World) and Subtract (cut out of the world). First you have to cut out a large thing (you can set up the dimensions at the CubeBuilder, Right-Click on the Cube at the left of the screen) here you can set up the dimensions, type in your dimensions and apply it (by clicking on "Build"), then close the window. After doing that, click on SUBTRACT.

Now you have a world (Later you can set up "Fake Backdrop" to create a sky,but this is texture-based and skyzone info etc...). Now you have the Texture-Browser. Here you can set up the current texture for applying... Set up CubeBuilder Dimensions (256x256x256), then search a box texture (for example UTTech1/Deco) then click on ADD (be sure that your box is down at the floor ;). Now you got a world with a box. With this you can probing things and try to build houses etc.

Mover (lifts etc.) is also a brush, you can make a simpy mover by clicking "add Mover Brush" (the icon with the 4 arrows) then you have to get to the properities (right click at the mover) then to category "Mover" here you got much options to set up your mover for the first time you can go to "KeyNum", this is the current key number (station to hold), if you type in "1" you can set up the second station to hold (for example from floop up to a box). When you done it then go to "KeyNum" again and type in "0" again, now have have the base position again.

Thema Actors is class for itself ;)
Here a little explain for some actors:
PlayerStart - Spawning Point for the Player (MIN 1. REQUIRED, IF NOT THE MAP WONT START)
LiftCenter - This is a position point for the bot at the mover
LiftExit - This is the running out point for the bots at a mover (or from JumpSpots, TranslocDest etc.)
PathNode - A PathNode marks a waypoint for the bots (without that, the bot wont walking) You can create a computer generated pathnode network at the build options (only when you make a fully map)
TranslocDest - Marks a point for the bots to shot the translocator to this point (good for shorter ways etc)
JumpSpot - Marks a point to jump out from there

NOTE: Don't add at the VOID-world (the nothing) nobody can see it ;), also subtracting at a already subtracted point (empty world).

This is my "mini-tutorial" for probing around with the brush.

My Tip: I carried my experience with the editor by looking to other maps and try to realize the system. (10 days probing around with the editor and you know how to create maps) :tu:

I hope that this text had helped you. I try to help you as i can ;)
If you have Questions write a PM or E-Mail

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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by Rayved »

Bleh, it all sounds so complicated :help:
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by asguard »

UnrealEd In Any Sense is the most easy Tool you can use sure the terrain brush is difficult to use etc but other than that you can wip up a ctf map in minutes minus any deco stuff
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by .:AE:.KiLLaH »

These are the best and probably the only ones I've ever found for UT mapping in the many years I've been mapping. They are very useful and are made for people who have little to no knowledge of UTED.

BB Drac

I have a tutorial site as well. Not allt he tutorials I plan to make have been made, but there are about a dozen or so completed.

I know this is an old topic, but I haven't been here in a while.
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Re: Map Editor!!

Post by paul__paul »

yea he's right it is hard im just starting and i can't get it to do a thing
Shade wrote:You can download a very good UED Tutorial in our Download Section in "Tutorials"
trying to see it and i cant hmm