These lists will be updated everyday.
So if you want to help, post here or at the community you were informed at telling so, and please propose here what should be in the "to do" list, in which order and who is willing to do what.
Who's going to help
House of Hermskii {HOH}
So far 3 Communities/Clans involved and 8 people. Let's see how this goes.
To do List
1 - Choose a support for the general community: before all, we need to choose if we are going either to create a new or use an existing active community as our community base/central (need everyone's opinions and support, from all the communities, as this is the most difficult part and it needs to please ideally everyone)
2 - Choose the content support and host: after the step 1, we need a solid source of all maps, mods, etc, be it from another community or from a normal host (I consider this the next step, since there are already some huge hosts full of these files existing, and more than one having the same ones)
3 - Then we need to organize the community, and a sugestion would be this:
* Releases
* Development
* Reviews
* <Add some weekly discussion here, like a map or the week, or mod, or player or developer>
* General Section - Really general regarding UT
* GameTypes
* Communities Section - Each community participating may have its own section, with its "subsections", with its own mods and admins, links and everything
* Clans Section - Actually, this one can still be divided in clans types (Sniper, RX, SLV, MH, BT, etc)
* OffTopic Section
As you might have noticed, this style is already somewhat adopted in beyondunreal and unrealsp, and it works. Once anything in any community is released, it can go to a news page (both in UT is Epic says yes and in community's front page).
4 - Decide which admins will take this along: obviouslly, any community this big needs a good set of admins and mods.
And so, each Community has full control of his own section and will decide who's going to be a mod or admin there, and the same thing regarding the Clans. Regarding the OffTopic and General sections, that should be decided by everyone, by equal, and ideally, it could be some of the same guys that take care of their clans or communities, and it has to be a good number of them, since they also may have already their communities to manage. This should have enough people so no one has to do a "big" job around here.
Also, a few top admins or "big bosses" must exist, but those depend a lot on the decisions regarding the steps 1 and 2.
5 - After all this, we must give it a time of around 1 month, so it can have proper activity and a solid community, plus enhance it so people can get what they want and feel integrated in the community.
6 - If everything goes along, then it's time to write a little "letter" to Epic to make the big request.
Now, this is a general "to do list", so you can get the idea, and give your sugestions and points of view. However, I personally consider step 1 the most difficult one to achieve, since it has to be done by everyone and it will need a level of organization and willing from several admins around there to be achieved.
Also, I built this list as a SUGESTION on what to do, so if you see something really stupid above, don't have any problems in saying it.
In a last note, as you see, the list sugests the full joinage of all the communities in a single one without loosing any of them, so we can revive the community up and do the request to Epic with all the community as backup.
Now if you are willing to help, please report in the community you saw this or here (none of you need to register here to make a reply, just reply in the threads I created in your communities or let one of any currently registered users say it).
If we get enough people and communities in this, then you have a little chance of making UT what it was some years ago, in activity, but if not, well, you can't blame anyone at all but yourselves.