- a bit of Halo
- lots of Duke Nukem 3D
- plenty of Quake III Arena LAN parties in high school
- Goldeneye 64
- Perfect Dark
- Time Splitters: Future Perfect
- some other titles, too lazy to remember
UT99 is by far the most intense and genuine of out all of these (at least for me), and I am now really appreciating this game for what it's really worth. I came around here to see a bit of the UT community first hand (even though I'm sure the UT community is a lot more extensive than just this site alone, no offense intended!), and I'm hoping to meet plenty of skilled players who are willing to both kick my ass and help me hone my skills. I'm a fighting game vet, but only now I'm starting to realize what high level play in FPS is like. So I am really looking forward to seeing more and more of what UT can offer me. I've already played on plenty of servers, had a blast (no pun intended), and I'm quite impressed by the level of players I see there! Some guys are just.... ridiculous lol. So yeah, nice to meet you guys, blah blah, you get the point.
Let's see some ass kicking go down.