European Gamer Consumer Association

Discussions about UT99
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European Gamer Consumer Association

Post by Phorce »


I've not been playing UT as much as I would like. Maybe because I've found myself becoming depressed about the state of the gaming world. There are some good new releases out there like Red Faction Guerilla, or Far Cry 2 but overall the video gaming area is being infiltrated by increasing amounts of advertising, monitoring of gamers activity by governments and relentless selling to the lowest common denominator. In-game advertising, annoying DRM systems and generally a lot of activity that destroys the fun of gaming.

I found the Entertainment Consumers Association in the USA but it is supported by advertising and a highly corporate affiliate program. Sad really as it's forums are interesting and it has connections with some interesting organisations. However using advertising immediately destroys the message because it introduces a conflict of interests ... this is a consumer organisation :wth: ?!

Is there a European organisation that anyone knows of that is not compromised by advertising and partnership with big video game companies (as ECA is) ?

I really want to fight this BULLSHIT that is being rammed down the throats of gamers destroying what is a very valuable social and mind expanding activity :tu:, thanks.
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