Thank you for the invite Creavion - nice place
Everythings hooked up - Wow, some folks here go way back in ut history
I'm a noob here, so I have to start by thanking everyone who was involved in UTR and the mappacks
I'll be looking in daily
And yes.. maybe you want to contribute something for Myths started project. Alex and Gen have also made something for it.
About to be non-active My very last UT map project: CTF-FacePalm (tropical CTF-Face remake) Why do I leave?click here What I want to do next: Joining an UDK team (uncertain however) and improve 3D modelling and texture editing skills
Thanks to those who visibly supported me until/at the end!
My reactivated account on
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UT99 Server -> CROSSBONES Missile Madness {CMM}
* Newest Versions of: PRO-Redeemers | PRO-SNIPER-Redeemers | PRO-SEEKER-Redeemers <-(the Original)
and Now with FOOD FIGHT and Frying Pan arena !!! IP: <-(NEW IP to come) UT99 MH Server -> {CMH} CROSSBONES Monster Hunt (MH) by Mars007 (The Original) - IP:
Hey Frag.
I don't know you at all.
But I'd like to say that your maps are ridiculous. In a good way.
The amount of effort you put towards them is really something.