cr151s wrote:
EDIT: Hey Ferali, or {WINGS}xXx as i know you. Dont forget about SLV, you've always been a cool player- Hope to see you soon on our servers again. But first, release NW3 lol
I stopped playing for a while really because of NW3 lol
The thing is, I am already having problems in trying to release it on December (there's one weapon in particular that is ruining my plans, but it must be done), actually because of playing too much SLV, Insta CTF and Siege ROFL
Once I release the pack, I will get to play in several servers again, being one of them SLV of course
Btw, I am not on {WINGS} anymore (I resigned from the clan), so when I show up again (after the release) it will be as -xXx-